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Prestige mode is when a user reaches level 70 (max level) and they chose to sacrifice all of their unlocked attachments, weapons, camo's to change the 5 star emblem next to their gamertag to a prestige emblem which makes them look 'pro-er'.

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Q: What is prestige mode on Modern Warfare 2?
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What is in each prestige mode in modern warfare 2?

In MW2 you get a new emblem and an additional class to use.

When you reach level 70 in Modern Warfare 2 what do you do?

Nothing until you get enough points to go into prestige mode.

How do you get the old prestige emblem in modern warfare 2?

By old, do you mean the previous one you had? You can't, unless you quit going into prestige mode, Then you are stuck with the one you have.

How do you unlock prestige mode in Modern Warfare 2?

to unlock prestige mode you have to get to level 65 in multi player mode

What is the highest rank for call of duty modern warfare 2 on multiplayer mode?

10 prestige level 70 commander

What do you earn in prestige mode on mw2?

From prestiging in modern warfare 2 u get an extra custom class and new emblems and titles.

What do you get when you prestige in Modern Warfare 2?

WhEn YoU pReStIgE iN mOdErN wArFaRe 2 YoU dOn'T gEt AnYtHiNg, YoU aCtUaLlY lOsE aLl Of YoUr WeApOnS. NoW aFtEr YoU rEaD tHiS lOoK aT mY pRoFiLe.

Tenth prestige glitch on modern warfare 2?

go to and search in forums for (modern warfare 2 10th prestige glitch) i recommend registering first

How do you get first prestige for modern warfare 2?

To get to the first prestige in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, you must reach level 70 on online multiplayer, then complete the XP for Level 70, then go to the Baracks in the lobby and there will be for choices that you will be able to select. Challenges, Accolades, Leaderboards and Prestige Mode. Select Prestige Mode and keep pressing to appropriate choice until you have prestige, you should have a new badge next to your name and should by Level 1 again. Hope this helped. :)

Do you unlock more custom classes when entering prestige mode in call of duty 6 modern warfare 2?

Probably not, but hay? Maybe.

On Modern Warfare 2 what is Prestige mode all about?

bragging rights. plus you get a funny little symbol next to your name, so everyone knows you're not a noob.