Pokemon Platinum
5th Generation
Main Legend:Garintina
Other: Extended Version
of Pokemon P/D
You cannot get Zekrom in Pokemon Platinum because Zekrom is a gen V pokemon and pokemon platinum is a gen IV game. Since Zekrom did not exist inside any pokemon game at the time of platinums release It's impossible for him to be inside the game at all.
[Name] Rave [Name] Riot [Name] Reverse [Name] Reckless [Name] Reject [Name] Restless [Name] Radical? [Name] Radiant [Name] Ran [Name] Rabi [Name] React [Name] RAWR [Name] Ready [Name] Radiation?
blah blah
Well you could name it a "person" name like Emily or Jake, or you could name it cuddles or some other pet name like that!
you can name your rival's name whatever you want.
According to the TV series this character's name is Barry. That's only if your rival is the blond haired guy. In the game, however, you can name him anything you want
Pt-Platinum Atomic number=78
Veilstone city No it's in Hearthome in Platinum
A trainer on rout 212 has one.
The same as the atomic number of platinum, 78.
ac delco platinums
piplup, turtwig and chimchar, same as diamond and pearl
According to the Recording Industry Association of America's Sales Certification Database, no band with the name Road Angel has had an album certified platinum or gold.
autolite platinums, the gap is .50