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In Binweevils, a perament is about 100 years long but in 100 hours, it'll turn 99 years. Club Penguin's perament ban is forever, even longer than a Meameamealokkapoowa years. It'll be a perament ban if you are banned 4 times or more unless you tell your mother. But a perament is aprroxemenly a Googolbakerplex years. If you are banned peramently, it won't expire before the last black hole has vanished. Forever is aprroxemenly a Giggol years. Try not to get banned forever or a Meameamealokkapoowa Oompa universes will end once every Googol years and when it's about a Meameamealokkapoowa Oompa, you can play again. That equals a Googol Meameamealokkapoowa Oompa years.

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Can you file for citizenship if you owe child support in the US?

AnswerThe answer is probably YES, if it has not been reported to the Federal government or the state has not taken action against you. In most cases states do a lousy job at collecting child support.In my case, I sponsored my foreign based spouse for a K-1 visa and then a perament residence card. I was never questioned about past owed support, I was asked to supply the shame of judgment (93 pages) and because it was so lengthy the USCIS only wanted to confirm that I was in fact divorced. Even while the state was moving forward to have my driver's license suspended fro non-payment for three years, I applied and received a new passport. At the time I owed over $200,000 in support mostly alimony and attorney's fees. Since that time I was appealing the judgment and it has correctly been reversed because of the unreasonableness of such orders.So all said and done, the answer is probably YES, unless it has been reported to the Federal government.AnswerI'm not sure, but I think you will have a problem, especially if the custodial parent has filed for any type of social/public services on behalf of the child that you were supposed to have been helping to support all of this time.Answeryou need to find out how much you owe, who you owe it to, and pay it off before you file. if you owe it to the custodial parent it is possible for them to waive back child support, but that is up to them. if you owe it to the state, you will need to contact them and set up a payment plan.AnswerActually, you can't even go into most countries if you owe, or are currently paying child support. My ex-husband is a truck driver, and Canada won't even let him in after they run his drivers license.AnswerVisa laws for applying do not let you Obtain a Visa to leave the U.S. if you owe more than $10,000 us dollars in back child support. If you Marry a citizen of another country and apply for citizenship while in that country they will not deny you as long as you have set up payment arrangements with the Federal Government, in many cases they do not check. If the Federal Government has been involved I.E.. If your case has been through court and you have been ordered to make payments, or if Back support comes out of your taxes, you are responsible to the Federal Government.check the immigration laws: NO. but, if you pay or have a payment plan with the court and you show and prove that you paid in full or you are making your payments on time at least for one year. Remember it is a crime. and INS can see this like a moral turpide crime. The no payment of child support affect your credit, your driver license... etc...