In the Pomeon Anime, there have only been a couple characters who have had there last names confirmed, namely Ash Ketchum, Gary Oak, and Tracey Sketchit. It is unknown what Paul's last name is. However, on the website, Paul's last name is commonly referred to as Shinji, which is simply his Japanese name.
Iris Cuasorome is a character in Pokemon.
Ash's last name is Ketchum in Pokémon.
In the Pokemon anime, the only two characters to have last names are Ash Ketchum and Tracey Sketchit, so Dawn really has no last name. However, in many Pokemon Fan Fictions her last name is commonly referred to as Berlitz.
Serena's last name has not been mentioned in the Anime, game, or on any Pokemon wiki.
Paul's last name has not been revealed in any episodes of Pok
Anything can be a last name
Paul Revere's real last name was riviore.
In the Pomeon Anime, there have only been a couple characters who have had there last names confirmed, namely Ash Ketchum, Gary Oak, and Tracey Sketchit. It is unknown what Paul's last name is. However, on the website, Paul's last name is commonly referred to as Shinji, which is simply his Japanese name.
Paul Bettany's last name is pronounced "BET-uh-nee."
Iris Cuasorome is a character in Pokemon.
His name was Apollos De RevioreHis name was Paul last name Revere.
Paul Higgins
It was Saul and then he changed it to Paul.saul but his real name is paul
Ash's last name is Ketchum in Pokémon.
last name is Levesque, full name Paul Michael Levesque