Serena's last name has not been mentioned in the Anime, game, or on any Pokemon wiki.
serena last name is serena yvonne
serena yvonne
serena yvonne
Iris Cuasorome is a character in Pokemon.
Ash's last name is Ketchum in Pokémon.
In the Pokemon anime, the only two characters to have last names are Ash Ketchum and Tracey Sketchit, so Dawn really has no last name. However, in many Pokemon Fan Fictions her last name is commonly referred to as Berlitz.
It's Paul Allen
Richard Williams
Venus and Serena
Blake Lively
Serenas middle name is Jameeka.
Iris Cuasorome is a character in Pokemon.
Ash's last name is Ketchum in Pokémon.
In the Pokemon anime, the only two characters to have last names are Ash Ketchum and Tracey Sketchit, so Dawn really has no last name. However, in many Pokemon Fan Fictions her last name is commonly referred to as Berlitz.
it should be giritina
Dawn's last name is Hikari in the Japanese Pokemon anime, but in the English anime she doesn't have a last
Does not obviously say!