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Q: What is past tnese of battle?
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Related questions

How do you get past the people at the battle frontier?

Battle them and Beat them.

What is the past tense of battle?

The past tense is battled.

How do you get past battle park?

you have to battle 7 times and finish your pokedex

How do you get past battle frontier?

you can't

How can you get past the battle tower?

pass it

What is the past participle of battle?

The past participle is battled. This is also the case for the simple past tense.

How do you get past the galatic guards?

By defeating them in a Pokemon battle.

There are 2 guys blocking the lake how do you get past them?

you battle them

How do you get past the grunts in mt coronet in Pokemon platuim?

Battle Them?

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Kill them

How do you get past suddowoo do in Pokemon emerald?

Talk to it and a battle will commence.

How do you get past people blocking you from the resort area?

You have to get a 7 win streak in single or double battle in battle tower