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He creates a distinction between what he says and what he really means.

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He causes the reader to distrust the narrator.

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When swift the narrator suggest that his proposal is modest what rhetorical technique is he using?

Irony. Swift uses irony to highlight the absurdity of his proposal by presenting it as modest and reasonable when it is actually quite extreme and outrageous.

What is one way that Swift uses irony in modest proposal?

He creates a distinction between what he says and what he really means.

What is one way swift uses irony in a modest proposal?

He creates a distinction between what he says and what he really means.

What kind of satire is a Modest Proposal?

"A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift is a Juvenalian satire. It uses irony and sarcasm to critique the British government's treatment of the Irish poor and suggest a shocking solution to the problem of poverty.

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What is the modest proposal of Jonathan Swift about?

Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal" is a satirical essay published in 1729 that suggests solving Ireland's poverty and overpopulation issues by selling infants as a food source to the wealthy. Swift uses irony and exaggeration to criticize British exploitation of the Irish, highlighting the absurdity of the inequities faced by the Irish people at the time.

What type of satire is a modest proposal?

"A Modest Proposal" is a Juvenalian satire, characterized by its harsh criticism, irony, and exaggeration to expose and criticize societal issues and human folly. Swift's essay uses a satirical proposal to highlight the economic exploitation and dehumanization of the poor in Ireland by the English ruling class.

Why do you think he gradually reveals the real nature of the proposal in the modest proposal?

Swift uses irony and satire in "A Modest Proposal" to shock readers into recognizing the harsh realities of poverty in Ireland. By gradually revealing the true nature of the proposal to consume children as a solution to poverty, Swift forces readers to confront their indifference towards the suffering of the poor and challenges societal attitudes towards the Irish.

Why does Swift propose in A Modest Proposal?

Swift proposes in "A Modest Proposal" that poor Irish families should sell their infant children to be eaten by the wealthy. This proposal is meant to highlight the extreme poverty and desperation facing the Irish people at the time, as well as to criticize the British government's oppressive policies towards Ireland. Swift uses irony and satire to shock readers into recognizing the cruelty and absurdity of the situation.

A Modest Proposal is an example of because it?

A Modest Proposal is an example of satire because it uses humor and irony to criticize societal issues, particularly the treatment of the poor in Ireland. Jonathan Swift's essay suggests a shocking solution to poverty and hunger, highlighting the absurdity of the situation.

What is Swift's main purpose in the opening paragraphs of A Modest Proposal?

Swift's main purpose in the opening paragraphs of A Modest Proposal is to present a satirical critique of the British government's oppressive policies on Ireland during that time. He uses irony and sarcasm to highlight the dire economic conditions in Ireland and the lack of action by the authorities to address the issue.

How does Swift most clearly use rhetoric in the passage A Modest Proposal?

In "A Modest Proposal," Swift uses rhetorical devices such as satire and irony to persuade the reader to reflect on the harsh reality of poverty and colonization in Ireland. By presenting his outrageous proposal to eat babies as a solution to Ireland's economic struggles, Swift employs shock value to provoke a critical response from the audience and highlight the indifference of the ruling class towards the poor.