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Q: What is master key for inquiry 01936411?
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Can you enter my inquiry number to get my master key?

You can`t, you`ll have to call Nintendo there number is 1-800-255-3700. and tell them your inquiry number, then if your an adult they will tell you the master key if your a kid you will have to let Nintendo talk to your parents.

What is master key for 3DS inquiry number 78548878?

It used to be possible to work out a 3DS unlock key from the enquiry number using an algorithm. This is no longer possible, and now only Nintendo can match a key with an enquiry number.

What is your master key number to your dsi your inquiry number is 72955716?

well im really asking yall so the number is 896-958-132

Why is experimental design a key factor in science inquiry?

The experimental design is always a key factor in the science inquiry. The experimental design shows the methods that lead to the science.

When was The Master Key - novel - created?

The Master Key - novel - was created in 1901.

What is the 5 digit master key to unlock the parental controls in the Nintendo DSi?

They just have to go to Parental Controls, and keep selecting I Forgot until it gives you an Inquiry Number. You then go to the website and type in your inquiry number where is asks for a confirmation number (they are the same thing) and select the correct date from the drop-down menu. It will give you a master key code that you can use for unlocking Parental Controls. This website also works for the DSi. NOTE: With the DSi, it can be very hit-and-miss, since there are reports of it working, and reports of it failing.

Where can you find the master key in Fallout 3?

There is no more a master key in Fallout 3.

Where does one purchase a brand new master key?

One can purchase a brand new master key at websites such as Amazon, eBay, and Master Lock. The term is very vague and could be the book, "Master Key", or could be an actual key.

What are the different types of keys found in a hotel briefly explain each?

The types of keys are : 1) Grand master key 2) Master key 3) Sub Master Key 4) Individual key or Guest key 5) Card key 6) Electronic key

What is the dsi parental controls master key number?

Go to parental controls in system settings. When it asks 'Change Parental Controls settings?' tap yes. When it brings up a numeric keypad, tap the center button, "I Forgot". Next, tap "I Forgot" again. Now you will be shown a screen with a number at the bottom (the 'inquiry number'). Go to on your computer and enter this number in the field marked confirmation number. Set the current date in your timezone and click get reset code. It does work for the Dsi! You just have to choose the correct time zone after you enter the code! The master key is different for every DSi system. Call Nintendo and get to the DSi helper. Then you tell them your inquiry number and they will tell you the master key. You must provide proof of ID, your inquiry number on the DSi and your DSi serial number. 1. Click "I forgot" twice. 2. Copy the inquiry code onto the bar required on the site provided. 3. Select your date. 4. Get your master key pass. Go to settings and flip through the options till you see ''Parental Controls'' To know the master key for the Nintendo DSI (presumably because you had forgotten your parental control key) call the number 1-800-255-3700 and follow the menus on the phone until you can talk to customer service about Nintendo dsi.

What are the release dates for The Key Master - 2007?

The Key Master - 2007 was released on: USA: November 2007

What is the master key?

the 5 master key is : Honest,trustful, insistent,persistent, what you do keep on what's your words.