Open the chest and then you will be able to drag items into the chest, in which they will then be removed from your inventory.
you cant
You right click on it.
It holds items like a chest
Sometimes it is lag. But in this case, it seems like you have a block on top of your chest. If you put a block on your chest, the chest wont open.
No but some stupid people think that you can!
no the bonous chest will only spawn stone and wood tools, sticks, wood, wodden planks or apples.
Open the chest and then you will be able to drag items into the chest, in which they will then be removed from your inventory.
you cant
Click the screen while your looking at the chest - it should open the chest. To get out just tap away (out of the chest)
You right click on it.
It holds items like a chest
Sometimes it is lag. But in this case, it seems like you have a block on top of your chest. If you put a block on your chest, the chest wont open.
no it doeset
skiing and a chest is a present