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Hamachi is a program that allows an individual to easily create a virtual private network between multiple machines.

Edit: Good for example playing pirated games in multiplayer with your friends

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Related questions

How do you join a hamachi server?

You need to have hamachi.

How do you connect to your friend's Minecraft Hamachi server?

You need Hamachi first, then you have to join there Network they should have created through Hamachi. Once you have done that you need to get there personal Hamachi IP and type it in on Minecraft, it should not require a port.

Can you add pluggins to a minecraft server that is not hamachi or Bukkit?

No. You have to use Bukkit. And there is no such thing as a hamachi server, it just means you connect to their network using Hamachi

How do you join a bukkit server using hamachi without hamachi?

Its impossible I've tried

How do you connect to your friends minecraft hamachi server i can connect to the hamachi network but i cant connect to the minecraft server?

Type in the IP address or Hamachi address of your friend's correctly or play the premium Minecraft. Myncraft1: Your friends has to be on (Hamachi) to connect to his server

How do you create server in lan of two computers?

Use Hamachi. Search Hamachi in Google and it will come up. Download it and install it. Hamachi basically allows one computer to host an address IP and the other computer can join it. Note: You need to have Hamachi on both PCs. If your stuck, look up Hamachi tutorial on Google.

Is hamachi a proper noun?

The noun 'hamachi' is a common noun as a word for a type of fish used for sushi. The noun 'Hamachi' is a proper noun as the name of a computer software.

Can someone make you and your friend a Minecraft server?

That depends on whether it's a bukkit or hamachi. If its hamachi just op yourself on the window where it says loading spawn area because basically op is admin on hamachi so if you are op you basically own a hamachi server.

Can you turn your minecraft hamachi server on from your other computer?

The hamachi part yes as long as the hamachi is active for that server the server itself cant run though as the server is local to the computer.

What can hamachi be used for?

in gaming, hamachi can be used to play pirated games with friends, by emulating a LAN server.

Is hamachi legal?


Do you need log me in Hamachi to play the bought version of Minecraft?

While some servers use hamachi to connect the players in virtual LANS, the majority doesn't. So no, you do not need hamachi to play the bought version of Minecraft. There are several websites with huge lists of servers you can join without hamachi.