

Best Answer

Electric types are good against dark. If you have the moves:




Volt Tackle

Charge Beam

Water types are also effective. The moves:





Hydro Pump

Water Gun

P.S. Hydro Pump is usually a one hit KO move if you have an Empoleon or a strong water type. HOPED THIS HELPED!

no none of those moves are super effective against dark Pokemon

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Q: What is good against dark Pokemon?
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Ghost-type Pokemon are strong against Psychic-types. This is because Ghost-type moves are super effective against Psychic types, giving them an advantage in battles. Additionally, Dark-type Pokemon are also strong against Psychic-types.

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A dark type Pokemon or a powerful dark type move is good. Ghost types work particularly well too

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Dark and Ghost Pokemon are good against the Psychic Type Kadabra, Kadabra's defense is usually one of its weakest stats, so to eliminate it quickly, use an attacking move that is Ghost or Dark.

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Dark-type Pokemon are weak to Bug and Fighting moves. So your Ice Pokemon should have some of those.

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The fighting type is weak against Ghost and Dark Pokemon, so a Sableye would be good.

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Maybe depends on what you have dark types are good against the leader.

Which type are dark type Pokemon good against?

A dark type is good against ghost and psychic types

What is effective to physc type Pokemon?

dark type moves are a good choice against psychic

What type is good against dark Pokemon?

Fighting and depending on it's second type can be whatever

What is good against psychic pokemon?

You can beat it easily with Dark, Bug, and Ghost type Pokemon. It is least effective by Psychic, and Fighting.

What is super affective against dark Pokemon?

Dark type moves such as night shade,shadow punch,etc.are super effective against dark Pokemon.