Finish daily task! Sports Fight the more player the more EXP!!
In the new battle frontier system (for GEN 4 at least) You fight a frontier brain twice.If you beat them first time, you get a silver print.Second time, you get a gold print.-Hope this helps! =DD
For level 32 just play slow.. Kill one by one. Dodge .. Thats gold :)
Very Athletic :DD
a final smash for dd kkong
You can earn Vouchers by beating Quests and Sports
ang pagit ninyo
there isn't one
There is an easy way to top up in the "DD Tank". First you will need to log-on on Facebook and buy coins. Once you are logged in, you can choose the amount you wish you purchase and top-up.
theres a glitch for wearing the opposite genders clothing.
wild ones from facebook is one example
it prevents you from suffering the consequence of failed fortifications XD