In the new battle frontier system (for GEN 4 at least) You fight a frontier brain twice.
If you beat them first time, you get a silver print.
Second time, you get a gold print.
-Hope this helps! =DD
Cool Pokemon
i have Pokemon soul-silver and i evolved my evee using a thunderstone
No. The only way to move Pokemon from Platinum is through a trade. 1 for 1.
no I can be only used for Heart and Silver
To get both leafeon and glaceon in Pokemon soul silver or heart gold you have to trade it from diamond pearl or platinum.
You unlock Silver Prints by beating the Frontier Brains in the Battle Frontier in Platinum.
Finishing the Battle Frontier in Platinum means obtaining all Silver and Gold prints handed out by defeating the Frontier Brains.
It Is Impossible To Move Pokemon, From Pokemon Blue Or Pokemon Silver To Pokemon Platinum Version.
If you collect all of the coloured/gold prints, you will get a star to your trainer card.
The games being released after platinum will be Heart Gold and Soul Silver.
Cool Pokemon
On Pokemon platinum, you cannot move or migrate Pokemon from Pokemon silver or Pokemon blue version. It can only be done from the Gameboy advanced games. Those are Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald version.
you don't get one.but you can in Pokemon gold,silver,heart gold,and soul silver.
You can't get delibird on Pokemon platinum unless u trade it from Pokemon heart gold or soul silver hope this helps
if u have Pokemon platinum then just trade a Pokemon from your platinum version holding dragon palse.
pokemon heart gold and soul silver. and heart gold and soul silver legends