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Pokemon don't really have any favorite berries.......they're digital.

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Q: What is golbat's favorite berry in HeartGold?
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What is snivy's favorite berry?

oran berry

What does the red shard do in Pokemon HeartGold?

The red shard can be given to the guy next to the Pokemon center for a cheri berry,a pecha berry and a leppa berry.

How long do the effects of mulch last in Pokemon HeartGold?

one berry

How can you use the word berry in a sentence?

My favorite food is a berry.

When do you water the berrys in HeartGold?

Go to key items and go to berry pots plant a berry. when the soil around the berries goes dry water it.

What is Halle Berry's favorite color?

her favorite color is purple of couse!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Jessica Alba, Halle Berry, and Meryl Streep

How many berry pots do you get in heartgold?

austinb. here, u only get 4 hope it helps

Where to train psycic Pokemon platinum?

I would recommend a cave because of the Zubats and Golbats. Mt. Coronet also works because of the Machops, Machokes, Zubats and Golbats. :)

How do you get the pokemon to wake up in heartgold?

Give them a Bitter berry, play the poke flute,or give them an awakening

How do you get the libarty moshling on Moshi Monsters?

Liberty is my favorite Moshling. To get her, you need to get black love berry, red love berry, and any love berry.

When do golbat evolve?

On full Happiness. :)