I am afraid, that no-one but " Gaiarune" can answer that, and why would he want to.
asking for a password, or indded sharing one breaks the runescape rules. If you got his password you could reak havoc on his account.
In conlusion, you will not get gaiarune's pass.i need pocket password
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Yes you can get your password back, all you have to do is remember your username then... 1. Go to the runescape homepage 2. Scroll over the button 'account' 3. Then click the button account management 4. Scroll down then click recover password
First go to the RuneScape Homepage and click Account Management under Account. Under Account Setting you will find Change password. Then Log in and change it.
No one knows but Gertjaars.
"runescape password" is the password required to access one's created runescape account.
my password to my runescape account
Wat is the password of king duffys of runescape
It is against the rules of RuneScape to Hack.
because it is a link to the runescape website
If your stupid and dont know that you can change your password on the runescape website then your not to bright(No affence if so) but if your talking about hacking then i have nothing...
You can't cancel a Runescape account without a password, this is to prevent random players from deleting other players accounts.
Try playing RuneScape on MiniClip.
WikiAnswers will not provide information to break the rules of RuneScape.