

Best Answer

The 'T' simply refers to the shape of the garment. Lay one flat if you're not sure what I mean.

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Q: What is full form of t in t shirt?
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Where you can find john cena t-shirt in uae?

take pictur in internet full t shirt then go to al whada mall and you will see t shirt factory it is 60 dhs

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Full form of ITU-T is International Telecommunication Union-Telecommunication .

Why is it called a tee shirt?

The term "tee shirt" originated from the shape of the garment, which resembles the letter "T" when laid flat. The name evolved from its original form "T-shirt" due to pronunciation tendencies and usage over time.

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T-shirt is a loan word in German, so it remains the same - T-shirt.

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T 恤 (T xù) is how you say T-shirt in Mandarin.

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A hooded t-shirt is called a hoodie

What is an article of clothing beginning with T?

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it is a t-shirt