Ex post facto is Latin for "after the fact". In terms of research it is a design in which research is done after the thing which is to be researched has occurred without any influence by the researcher.
The level of focus and detail of the research
It is a hypothesis that can be defined as a tantative explanation of the hourglass notion of research
Befriend sim(s) with people you want to group research.
a researcher
do research
En que se basa el analisis expost facto ?
En que se basa el analisis expost facto ?
Ex post facto is a Latin term meaning "after the fact" or "in the light of subsequent events" and refers to things with retroactive effect or force.
It involves assignment of subjects to experimental group and control group. it also involves subjecting the experimental group to experimental treatment. it can be defined as an "After the fact design". it is a form of design in which a particular characteristics of a given group is investigated so as to identify it anticidents.
Ex Post Facto Evaluation : Measurement of value of research after the research is done. Prior or Interim Eveluation : Measurement of value of research which is done before starting the research or doing the measurement at intermediate stages during the research..
ex-post factor
Ex post facto research is a type of research design that investigates relationships between variables after they have occurred. In this design, the researcher does not have control over the independent variables, as they are pre-existing. The study is observational and looks for correlations or causality between variables that have already taken place in the past.
Ex-post facto research measures the cause and effect relationship without manipulating the independent variable. While the experimental research starts from manipulating and controlling the independent variables and proceeds to observing the effect on the dependent variables.
Ex-post facto research measures the cause and effect relationship without manipulating the independent variable. While the experimental research starts from manipulating and controlling the independent variables and proceeds to observing the effect on the dependent variables.
Pikachu i think that you are expost to be like ash
*supposed & sign?
ya if they have genetic disorder or if expost to radiation for long period.