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Its different because you can get groudon in ss and can get kyogre in hg. (both are lv 50) you can get lugia lv 45 or 47 in ss and ho-oh at lv 70 or 75 in ss. in hg you can get ho-oh lv 45 or 47 and can get lugia at lv 70 or 75.

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Q: What is different in Pokemon heart gold than in soul silver?
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no but in certain version there are different Pokemon so you have to trade to get them all

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In which Pokemon games can you get lugia?

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you don't get one.but you can in Pokemon gold,silver,heart gold,and soul silver.

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Lugia is in Pokemon Silver, Soul Silver, and Heart Gold.

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Pokemon Soul Silver is not harder than Heart Gold because they are the same game but they have different pokemon.

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How do you get Chikorita in Pokemon?

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Is there going to be a new Pokemon game out?

yes there is goin to be remakes of Pokemon gold and silver called heart gold and soul silver