You Can Not But Heart Gold And Soul Silver You Can.....
Soul Silver and Heart Gold.
You can use a Cyndaquil as a starter Pokemon in heart gold, soul silver, gold, silver, crystal and diamond pearl platinum.
Spinarak is a Heart Gold Pokemon not a Soul Silver Pokemon, You'll have to trade it.
HeartGold and SoulSilver are the remakes of Gold, Silver and Crystal.
pokemon heart gold and soul silver. and heart gold and soul silver legends
Heart Gold and Soul Silver
silver, gold, soul silver, and heart gold
you don't get one.but you can in Pokemon gold,silver,heart gold,and soul silver.
Lugia is in Pokemon Silver, Soul Silver, and Heart Gold.
heart gold, soul silver, silver, crystal and gold
In Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal/Heart Gold/ Soul Silver you can have it as a starter but otherwise the only way to get it is from trading.
yes there is goin to be remakes of Pokemon gold and silver called heart gold and soul silver
yes, remakes of gold and silver heart gold and soul silver
Yes Pokemon heart gold and soul silver are coming out in spring 2010.Ther'e remakes of Pokemon gold and silver.
u can either get the remake heart gold or soul silver or buy it off e bay