

Best Answer

debauch mean to corrumpt in morals, seduce

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What are some words that end with ch?

ANSWERfour (4) letter word:arch. bach. each. etch. inch. itch. lech. lich. loch. mach. much. ouch. pech. rich. such. tach. wich. wych. yech. yuch.five (5) letter word:aitch. batch. beach. beech. belch. bench. birch. bitch. botch. brach. bunch. butch. catch. cinch. clach. coach. conch. cooch. couch. culch. curch. cutch. ditch. dunch. dutch. epoch. fetch. filch. finch. fitch. gulch. hatch. heuch. hitch. hooch. hotch. hunch. hutch. kench. ketch. laich. larch. latch. leach. leech. letch. loach. lunch. lurch. lynch. march. match. milch. mooch. mouch. mulch. munch. mutch. natch. notch. orach. parch. patch. peach. perch. pinch. pitch. poach. pooch. porch. pouch. psych. punch. ranch. ratch. reach. retch. roach. rotch. sauch. stich. synch. teach. tench. teuch. torch. touch. vetch. vouch. watch. welch. wench. which. winch. witch. yecch. yucch. zilch. zorch.six (6) letter word:anarch. attach. avouch. blanch. bleach. blench. blotch. borsch. branch. breach. breech. broach. brooch. brunch. caroch. chinch. church. clench. clinch. clutch. cranch. cratch. crotch. crouch. crunch. crutch. cultch. detach. dreich. drench. enrich. eparch. eunuch. exarch. fetich. fleech. flench. fletch. flinch. flitch. flysch. french. glitch. glunch. grinch. grouch. grutch. haunch. hootch. inarch. kirsch. kitsch. klatch. kvetch. launch. mensch. moloch. nautch. painch. paunch. planch. pleach. plench. preach. putsch. quaich. quench. quitch. raunch. samech. scorch. scotch. scutch. search. sheuch. sketch. slatch. slouch. smirch. smooch. smutch. snatch. snitch. speech. stanch. starch. stench. stitch. sumach. swatch. switch. thatch. trench. twitch. wrench. (7) letter word:abroach. beseech. bewitch. biotech. capouch. caroach. carroch. craunch. currach. debauch. debouch. diptych. distich. eldrich. endarch. impeach. isopach. isotach. klatsch. mesarch. monarch. nomarch. nonsuch. ostrich. pibroch. potlach. rematch. repatch. reteach. retouch. scraich. scratch. screech. scrooch. scrunch. spinach. splotch. squelch. squinch. staunch. stomach. stretch. unhitch. unlatch. unteach. upreach. xerarch. zlotych.ANSWERbackstitch. besmirch. dispatch. encroach. insomuch. oligarch. research. topnotch.

What is a 7 letter word with the 4th letter a?

A simple one would be the word 'CLEANER'abfarad, ablated, ablates, ablator, ablauts, abraded, abrader, abrades, abwatts, acmatic, acrasia, acrasin, actable, addable, addaxes, advance, aerated, aerates, aerator, afeared, affable, affably, affaire, affairs, aggadah, aggadas, aggadic, aggadot, agnails, agnates, agnatic, agrafes, agraffe, agrapha, agravic, akvavit, albatas, alcades, alcaics, alcaide, alcalde, alcayde, alcazar, alfakis, alfalfa, alfaqui, aliases, alkalic, alkalin, alkalis, alkanes, alkanet, allayed, allayer, almanac, alpacas, ambages, ambaris, amiable, amiably, andante, aneared, angakok, angaria, anlaces, anlagen, anlages, anlases, annates, annatto, ansated, antacid, aphagia, aphasia, aphasic, aplasia, appalls, apparat, apparel, apraxia, apraxic, aquaria, aquatic, aquavit, arcaded, arcades, arcadia, arcanum, areally, areaway, argalas, argalis, armadas, arnatto, arracks, arraign, arrange, arrased, arrases, arrayal, arrayed, arrayer, ascared, ascarid, ascaris, ashamed, askance, asramas, assagai, assails, assault, assayed, assayer, astasia, astatic, atlases, atlatls, attache, attacks, attains, attaint, aubades, aurally, aurated, autarch, autarky, avgases, aviated, aviates, aviatic, aviator, axially, babassu, bacalao, bagasse, bahadur, balance, balases, balatas, banally, bananas, basally, basalts, bayamos, bayards, bazaars, becalms, because, bedamns, bedaubs, befalls, begalls, begazed, begazes, behaved, behaver, behaves, belabor, belaced, belated, belauds, belayed, belayer, bemadam, benamed, benames, bepaint, beraked, berakes, berated, berates, betaine, betaken, betakes, betaxed, bewails, bewared, bewares, bezants, bibasic, bicarbs, bidarka, bifaces, bilayer, bipacks, biparty, bitable, bivalve, bizarre, bizarro, bleaker, bleakly, bleared, bleated, bleater, bloated, bloater, bogarts, bolases, bonacis, bonanza, boraces, boracic, borages, boranes, borated, borates, boraxes, botanic, boyards, breaded, breadth, breaker, breakup, breamed, breasts, breathe, breaths, breathy, briards, broadax, broaden, broader, broadly, bubales, bubalis, bugaboo, butanes, butanol, buyable, bycatch, bynames, bypaths, bytalks, byzants, cabalas, cabanas, cabaret, cadaver, cajaput, calamar, calamus, calando, calathi, camails, camases, canakin, canaled, canapes, canards, canasta, capable, capably, carabao, carabid, carabin, caracal, caracks, caracol, caracul, carafes, caramba, caramel, carapax, carates, caravan, caravel, caraway, casabas, casavas, catalog, catalos, catalpa, catarrh, catawba, cavalla, cavally, cavalry, cecally, celadon, cenacle, ceramal, ceramic, cerated, cerates, ceratin, cetanes, cheapen, cheaper, cheapie, cheaply, cheapos, cheated, cheater, chianti, chiasma, chiasmi, chiasms, chlamys, choanae, cicadae, cicadas, cicalas, cigaret, citable, citadel, citator, cleaned, cleaner, cleanly, cleanse, cleanup, cleared, clearer, clearly, cleated, cleaved, cleaver, cleaves, cloacae, cloacal, cloacas, cloaked, cobalts, cocaine, cocains, codable, cohabit, comaker, comakes, comates, comatic, comatik, conatus, copaiba, copalms, coracle, coranto, cowages, cowards, coxalgy, craaled, creaked, creamed, creamer, creased, creaser, creases, created, creates, creatin, creator, croaked, croaker, cubages, cumarin, curable, curably, curacao, curacoa, curaghs, curaras, curares, curaris, curates, curator, cutaway, cycases, cycasin, cymatia, dadaism, dadaist, dalapon, dalasis, damaged, damager, damages, damasks, danazol, datable, debacle, debarks, debased, debaser, debases, debated, debater, debates, debauch, decadal, decades, decagon, decalog, decamps, decanal, decanes, decants, decapod, decares, decayed, decayer, defaced, defacer, defaces, defamed, defamer, defames, defangs, default, degames, degamis, degases, degauss, dekares, delaine, delated, delates, delator, delayed, delayer, demagog, demands, demarks, demasts, denarii, depaint, departs, deraign, derails, derange, desalts, desands, details, detains, devalue, dewater, dewaxed, dewaxes, dibasic, dicamba, dicasts, didacts, digamma, dilated, dilater, dilates, dilator, disable, disarms, disavow, domaine, domains, donated, donates, donator, dopants, dorados, dosages, dotages, dotards, dowable, dowager, dreaded, dreamed, dreamer, dryable, dryades, dryadic, ducally, dupable, durable, durably, duramen, durance, dyeable, dynamic, dynamos, dynasts, dynasty, earache, eatable, echards, eclairs, ectases, ectasis, ectatic, effable, effaced, effacer, effaces, eluants, eluates, embalms, embanks, embargo, embarks, embassy, embayed, empaled, empaler, empales, empanel, empathy, encaged, encages, encamps, encased, encases, endarch, enfaced, enfaces, engaged, engager, engages, enhalos, enhance, enlaced, enlaces, enlarge, enraged, enrages, entails, entases, entasia, entasis, equable, equably, equaled, equally, equated, equates, equator, ergates, errable, errancy, errands, errants, erratas, erratic, erratum, escalop, escaped, escapee, escaper, escapes, escarps, espanol, esparto, essayed, essayer, estated, estates, ethanes, ethanol, eucaine, exhaled, exhales, exhaust, expands, expanse, eyeable, facades, fadable, falafel, fanatic, faraday, faradic, faraway, fatally, fedayee, felafel, females, fenagle, filaree, filaria, finable, finagle, finales, finalis, finally, finance, fixable, fixated, fixates, fixatif, fleabag, fleapit, floated, floatel, floater, flyable, flyaway, focally, folacin, folates, foraged, forager, forages, foramen, forayed, forayer, freaked, friable, friarly, fryable, fugally, fugatos, fumaric, furanes, fusains, fusaria, galabia, galagos, galanga, galatea, galaxes, garaged, garages, gavages, gazabos, gelable, geladas, gelants, gelated, gelates, gelatin, gelatis, gelatos, getable, getaway, gigabit, gigaton, giraffe, girasol, gisarme, gitanos, gleamed, gleamer, gleaned, gleaner, gliadin, gloated, gloater, gobangs, gonadal, gonadic, gouache, gowaned, greased, greaser, greases, greaten, greater, greatly, greaved, greaves, groaned, groaner, gyrally, gyrated, gyrates, gyrator, hadarim, hagadic, halacha, halakah, halakha, halakic, halalah, halalas, halavah, hamadas, hamates, hamauls, hanaper, hapaxes, hatable, havarti, hawalas, hazanim, hazards, hegaris, hemagog, hematal, hematic, hematin, heparin, hepatic, heralds, hetaera, hetaira, hewable, hexades, hexadic, hexagon, hexanes, hexapla, hexapod, hibachi, hidable, hidalgo, hijacks, himatia, hirable, hodaddy, holards, homaged, homager, homages, hosanna, humaner, humanly, humates, hydatid, hyraces, hyraxes, ideally, ideated, ideates, ignatia, iguanas, iguanid, imbalms, imbarks, impacts, impaint, impairs, impalas, impaled, impaler, impales, impanel, imparks, imparts, impasse, impaste, impasto, impavid, impawns, incaged, incages, incants, incased, incases, indabas, indamin, inearth, infancy, infanta, infante, infants, infarct, infares, infauna, ingates, inhabit, inhaled, inhaler, inhales, inhauls, inlaced, inlaces, inlands, inlayer, inmates, innages, innards, insaner, intagli, intakes, invaded, invader, invades, invalid, inwalls, inwards, iodated, iodates, islands, izzards, jacales, jacamar, jacanas, jalapic, jalapin, jemadar, jezails, jicamas, joyance, judases, jurally, jurants, kabakas, kabalas, kabayas, kakapos, kamalas, karakul, karates, kayaked, kayaker, keramic, keratin, kinaras, kinases, kleagle, kneaded, kneader, kokanee, kolacky, komatik, kraaled, labarum, ladanum, lanated, lasagna, lasagne, latakia, lavabos, lavages, layaway, lazaret, legally, legated, legatee, legates, legator, legatos, lehayim, levants, levator, ligands, ligases, ligated, ligates, likable, limacon, linable, linages, linalol, lipases, livable, lizards, lobated, locales, locally, located, locater, locates, locator, logania, losable, lovable, lovably, lovages, loyaler, loyally, loyalty, lucarne, lunated, lunatic, lupanar, luxated, luxates, lyrated, lysates, macaber, macabre, macacos, macadam, macaque, madames, magalog, mahatma, majagua, makable, malacca, malaise, malanga, malaria, malarky, malates, manacle, managed, manager, manages, manakin, mananas, manatee, marabou, maracas, maranta, marasca, marauds, masalas, matador, mazards, medakas, medaled, megabar, megabit, megapod, megaron, megasse, megaton, melamed, melange, melanic, melanin, menaced, menacer, menaces, menages, menazon, mesally, mesarch, metages, metaled, metamer, metatag, metates, metazoa, midairs, mikados, miladis, milages, minable, minaret, miracle, mirador, mirages, misacts, misadds, misaims, misally, misaver, mixable, modally, mohairs, mohalim, mohawks, mojarra, monacid, monadal, monades, monadic, monarch, monarda, monaxon, moraine, morales, morally, morassy, mosaics, movable, movably, mulatto, muraled, mutable, mutably, mutagen, mutants, mutases, mutated, mutates, myiases, myiasis, naganas, naiades, namable, napalms, nasally, navaids, navally, negated, negater, negates, negaton, negator, nematic, nidated, nidates, nodally, nomadic, nomarch, nonacid, nonages, nonagon, nonarts, nopales, notable, notably, notated, notates, noyades, nunatak, nutated, nutates, oblasti, oblasts, oblates, obtains, oceanic, octadic, octagon, octanes, octanol, octants, octaval, octaves, octavos, oghamic, ohmages, oleates, onwards, ooralis, opiated, opiates, oquassa, ordains, organdy, organic, organon, organum, organza, orgasms, osmatic, ottavas, ourangs, ouraris, outacts, outadds, outages, outasks, ownable, oxcarts, oxtails, oxyacid, padauks, pajamas, palabra, palaced, palaces, paladin, palapas, palatal, palates, palaver, palazzi, palazzo, panacea, panache, panadas, panamas, papadam, papadom, papadum, papains, papally, papayan, papayas, parable, paraded, parader, parades, parador, parados, paradox, paragon, paramos, parangs, parapet, paraphs, parasol, patacas, patagia, patamar, pavanes, payable, payably, pedagog, pedaled, pedaler, pedants, pelages, pelagic, penally, penalty, penance, penangs, penates, peracid, pesades, petaled, petards, petasos, petasus, phrasal, phrased, phrases, phratry, picacho, picador, picante, picaras, picaros, pikakes, pilaffs, pinangs, pinatas, pipages, piragua, piranas, piranha, pirated, pirates, piratic, pirayas, pitapat, pitayas, pizazzy, pleaded, pleader, pleased, pleaser, pleases, pleated, pleater, pliable, pliably, pliancy, podagra, pokable, polaron, pomaces, pomaded, pomades, pomatum, posable, posadas, potable, potages, potamic, preachy, preacts, preaged, preamps, preanal, prearms, preaver, priapic, priapus, pshawed, psoatic, ptyalin, pugaree, puparia, pupated, pupates, puranas, puranic, putamen, pyjamas, pyralid, pyramid, qabalah, qabalas, rabatos, ramadas, ratable, ratably, ratafee, ratafia, ratatat, ravaged, ravager, ravages, rebaits, rebated, rebater, rebates, rebatos, recalls, recaned, recanes, recants, recarry, recasts, redacts, redated, redates, reearns, refaced, refaces, refalls, regains, regaled, regaler, regales, regalia, regally, regards, regatta, regauge, rehangs, relabel, relaced, relaces, relands, relapse, related, relater, relates, relator, relaxed, relaxer, relaxes, relaxin, relayed, remails, remains, remakes, remands, remarks, remarry, rematch, remated, remates, renails, renamed, renames, repacks, repaint, repairs, repanel, repaper, reparks, repasts, repaved, repaves, reracks, reraise, resails, resales, resawed, retable, retacks, retails, retains, retaken, retaker, retakes, retally, retaped, retapes, retards, retaste, retaxed, retaxes, revalue, revamps, rewaked, rewaken, rewakes, rewards, rewarms, rewaxed, rewaxes, ribalds, ribands, ridable, ritards, rivages, rivaled, rivalry, robalos, robands, romaine, romajis, romance, romanos, romaunt, ropable, rosacea, rosaria, rotated, rotates, rotator, rowable, royally, royalty, rubaboo, rubaces, rubasse, rubatos, rulable, rumakis, runaway, rurally, sabaton, sabayon, sacaton, safaris, sagaman, sagamen, salaams, salable, salably, salamis, samadhi, samaras, sapajou, sarapes, satangs, satanic, sataras, savable, savaged, savager, savages, savanna, savants, savarin, savates, sayable, schappe, sciatic, sclaffs, scraggy, scraich, scraigh, scraped, scraper, scrapes, scrapie, scrappy, scratch, scrawls, scrawly, scrawny, sebacic, sebasic, secants, sedarim, sedated, sedater, sedates, seeable, sematic, senarii, senates, senator, sepaled, serails, serapes, seraphs, sesames, sewable, sewages, sheafed, sheared, shearer, sheathe, sheaths, sheaved, sheaves, shiatsu, shiatzu, shmaltz, shnapps, shoaled, shoaler, sifakas, siganid, silages, silanes, sizable, sizably, skeanes, skiable, skoaled, sleaved, sleaves, sleazes, smeared, smearer, sneaked, sneaker, sneaped, socager, socages, sofabed, solaced, solacer, solaces, solands, solanin, solanos, solanum, solaria, solated, solates, solatia, somatic, sonance, sonants, sonatas, souaris, sowable, speaker, speaned, speared, spearer, splakes, splashy, splayed, sprains, sprangs, sprawls, sprawly, sprayed, sprayer, squabby, squalid, squalls, squally, squalor, squamae, squared, squarer, squares, squarks, squashy, squatly, squatty, squawks, steaded, stealer, stealth, steamed, steamer, stearic, stearin, strafed, strafer, strafes, strains, straits, straked, strakes, strands, strange, strappy, stratal, stratas, straths, stratum, stratus, strawed, strayed, strayer, subacid, subadar, subalar, subarea, subarid, subatom, sudaria, sugared, sugarer, sumachs, swearer, sweated, sweater, synagog, synanon, synapse, tabanid, tabards, tabaret, takable, takahes, talaria, tamable, tamales, tamandu, tamarao, tamarau, tamarin, tamaris, tamasha, tanager, tapalos, taramas, tatamis, taxable, taxably, telamon, tenable, tenably, tenaces, tenails, tenancy, tenants, teraohm, tetanal, tetanic, tetanus, texases, theater, theatre, thiamin, thiazin, thiazol, thralls, thraves, thrawed, thwacks, thwarts, tidally, tilapia, timarau, tinamou, tirades, tisanes, titania, titanic, tobacco, togated, tokamak, tolanes, tonally, topazes, totable, totaled, totally, towable, towages, towards, towaway, treacle, treacly, treaded, treader, treadle, treason, treated, treater, triable, triacid, triadic, triages, triazin, troaked, truancy, truants, tubaist, tuladis, tunable, tunably, turacos, turacou, tweaked, typable, tyranny, tyrants, uakaris, ullaged, ullages, ulpanim, umiacks, umlauts, unbaked, unbaled, unbales, unbased, unbated, uncaged, uncages, uncaked, uncakes, uncanny, uncased, uncases, undated, uneager, unearth, uneases, uneaten, unfaded, unfaith, unfaked, unfancy, unfazed, ungated, unhairs, unhands, unhandy, unhangs, unhappy, unhasty, unjaded, unlaced, unlaces, unladed, unladen, unlades, unlatch, unmacho, unmaker, unmakes, unmanly, unmasks, unmated, unnails, unnamed, unpacks, unpaged, unpaved, unraked, unrated, unravel, unrazed, unsated, unsaved, unsawed, untacks, untaken, untamed, untaxed, unwaxed, upcasts, updarts, updated, updater, updates, upgazed, upgazes, uplands, upraise, uptakes, uptalks, upwafts, upwards, urbaner, ureases, useable, useably, usually, vacancy, vacated, vacates, vagally, valance, vanadic, vavasor, vawards, vedalia, velamen, velaria, venally, venatic, veranda, vicarly, vilayet, vinasse, viragos, virally, visaged, visages, visaing, visards, vitally, vitamer, vitamin, vivaces, vivaria, vizards, vocable, vocably, vocalic, vocally, volante, votable, voyaged, voyager, voyages, wadable, wakames, wakanda, wasabis, watapes, waxable, wheaten, wirable, wizards, womaned, womanly, wreaked, wreaker, wreathe, wreaths, wreathy, xerarch, yamalka, yatagan, zacaton, zamarra, zamarro, zananas, zapateo, zenaida, zenanas, zocalos, zonally, zonated, zouaves, zymases1718 words found.

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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 6 words with the pattern -EB---H. That is, seven letter words with 2nd letter E and 3rd letter B and 7th letter H. In alphabetical order, they are: debauch debouch nebbich nebbish rebirth weblish