ANSWERfour (4) letter word:arch. bach. each. etch. inch. itch. lech. lich. loch. mach. much. ouch. pech. rich. such. tach. wich. wych. yech. yuch.five (5) letter word:aitch. batch. beach. beech. belch. bench. birch. bitch. botch. brach. bunch. butch. catch. cinch. clach. coach. conch. cooch. couch. culch. curch. cutch. ditch. dunch. dutch. epoch. fetch. filch. finch. fitch. gulch. hatch. heuch. hitch. hooch. hotch. hunch. hutch. kench. ketch. laich. larch. latch. leach. leech. letch. loach. lunch. lurch. lynch. march. match. milch. mooch. mouch. mulch. munch. mutch. natch. notch. orach. parch. patch. peach. perch. pinch. pitch. poach. pooch. porch. pouch. psych. punch. ranch. ratch. reach. retch. roach. rotch. sauch. stich. synch. teach. tench. teuch. torch. touch. vetch. vouch. watch. welch. wench. which. winch. witch. yecch. yucch. zilch. zorch.six (6) letter word:anarch. attach. avouch. blanch. bleach. blench. blotch. borsch. branch. breach. breech. broach. brooch. brunch. caroch. chinch. church. clench. clinch. clutch. cranch. cratch. crotch. crouch. crunch. crutch. cultch. detach. dreich. drench. enrich. eparch. eunuch. exarch. fetich. fleech. flench. fletch. flinch. flitch. flysch. french. glitch. glunch. grinch. grouch. grutch. haunch. hootch. inarch. kirsch. kitsch. klatch. kvetch. launch. mensch. moloch. nautch. painch. paunch. planch. pleach. plench. preach. putsch. quaich. quench. quitch. raunch. samech. scorch. scotch. scutch. search. sheuch. sketch. slatch. slouch. smirch. smooch. smutch. snatch. snitch. speech. stanch. starch. stench. stitch. sumach. swatch. switch. thatch. trench. twitch. wrench. (7) letter word:abroach. beseech. bewitch. biotech. capouch. caroach. carroch. craunch. currach. debauch. debouch. diptych. distich. eldrich. endarch. impeach. isopach. isotach. klatsch. mesarch. monarch. nomarch. nonsuch. ostrich. pibroch. potlach. rematch. repatch. reteach. retouch. scraich. scratch. screech. scrooch. scrunch. spinach. splotch. squelch. squinch. staunch. stomach. stretch. unhitch. unlatch. unteach. upreach. xerarch. zlotych.ANSWERbackstitch. besmirch. dispatch. encroach. insomuch. oligarch. research. topnotch.
A simple one would be the word 'CLEANER'abfarad, ablated, ablates, ablator, ablauts, abraded, abrader, abrades, abwatts, acmatic, acrasia, acrasin, actable, addable, addaxes, advance, aerated, aerates, aerator, afeared, affable, affably, affaire, affairs, aggadah, aggadas, aggadic, aggadot, agnails, agnates, agnatic, agrafes, agraffe, agrapha, agravic, akvavit, albatas, alcades, alcaics, alcaide, alcalde, alcayde, alcazar, alfakis, alfalfa, alfaqui, aliases, alkalic, alkalin, alkalis, alkanes, alkanet, allayed, allayer, almanac, alpacas, ambages, ambaris, amiable, amiably, andante, aneared, angakok, angaria, anlaces, anlagen, anlages, anlases, annates, annatto, ansated, antacid, aphagia, aphasia, aphasic, aplasia, appalls, apparat, apparel, apraxia, apraxic, aquaria, aquatic, aquavit, arcaded, arcades, arcadia, arcanum, areally, areaway, argalas, argalis, armadas, arnatto, arracks, arraign, arrange, arrased, arrases, arrayal, arrayed, arrayer, ascared, ascarid, ascaris, ashamed, askance, asramas, assagai, assails, assault, assayed, assayer, astasia, astatic, atlases, atlatls, attache, attacks, attains, attaint, aubades, aurally, aurated, autarch, autarky, avgases, aviated, aviates, aviatic, aviator, axially, babassu, bacalao, bagasse, bahadur, balance, balases, balatas, banally, bananas, basally, basalts, bayamos, bayards, bazaars, becalms, because, bedamns, bedaubs, befalls, begalls, begazed, begazes, behaved, behaver, behaves, belabor, belaced, belated, belauds, belayed, belayer, bemadam, benamed, benames, bepaint, beraked, berakes, berated, berates, betaine, betaken, betakes, betaxed, bewails, bewared, bewares, bezants, bibasic, bicarbs, bidarka, bifaces, bilayer, bipacks, biparty, bitable, bivalve, bizarre, bizarro, bleaker, bleakly, bleared, bleated, bleater, bloated, bloater, bogarts, bolases, bonacis, bonanza, boraces, boracic, borages, boranes, borated, borates, boraxes, botanic, boyards, breaded, breadth, breaker, breakup, breamed, breasts, breathe, breaths, breathy, briards, broadax, broaden, broader, broadly, bubales, bubalis, bugaboo, butanes, butanol, buyable, bycatch, bynames, bypaths, bytalks, byzants, cabalas, cabanas, cabaret, cadaver, cajaput, calamar, calamus, calando, calathi, camails, camases, canakin, canaled, canapes, canards, canasta, capable, capably, carabao, carabid, carabin, caracal, caracks, caracol, caracul, carafes, caramba, caramel, carapax, carates, caravan, caravel, caraway, casabas, casavas, catalog, catalos, catalpa, catarrh, catawba, cavalla, cavally, cavalry, cecally, celadon, cenacle, ceramal, ceramic, cerated, cerates, ceratin, cetanes, cheapen, cheaper, cheapie, cheaply, cheapos, cheated, cheater, chianti, chiasma, chiasmi, chiasms, chlamys, choanae, cicadae, cicadas, cicalas, cigaret, citable, citadel, citator, cleaned, cleaner, cleanly, cleanse, cleanup, cleared, clearer, clearly, cleated, cleaved, cleaver, cleaves, cloacae, cloacal, cloacas, cloaked, cobalts, cocaine, cocains, codable, cohabit, comaker, comakes, comates, comatic, comatik, conatus, copaiba, copalms, coracle, coranto, cowages, cowards, coxalgy, craaled, creaked, creamed, creamer, creased, creaser, creases, created, creates, creatin, creator, croaked, croaker, cubages, cumarin, curable, curably, curacao, curacoa, curaghs, curaras, curares, curaris, curates, curator, cutaway, cycases, cycasin, cymatia, dadaism, dadaist, dalapon, dalasis, damaged, damager, damages, damasks, danazol, datable, debacle, debarks, debased, debaser, debases, debated, debater, debates, debauch, decadal, decades, decagon, decalog, decamps, decanal, decanes, decants, decapod, decares, decayed, decayer, defaced, defacer, defaces, defamed, defamer, defames, defangs, default, degames, degamis, degases, degauss, dekares, delaine, delated, delates, delator, delayed, delayer, demagog, demands, demarks, demasts, denarii, depaint, departs, deraign, derails, derange, desalts, desands, details, detains, devalue, dewater, dewaxed, dewaxes, dibasic, dicamba, dicasts, didacts, digamma, dilated, dilater, dilates, dilator, disable, disarms, disavow, domaine, domains, donated, donates, donator, dopants, dorados, dosages, dotages, dotards, dowable, dowager, dreaded, dreamed, dreamer, dryable, dryades, dryadic, ducally, dupable, durable, durably, duramen, durance, dyeable, dynamic, dynamos, dynasts, dynasty, earache, eatable, echards, eclairs, ectases, ectasis, ectatic, effable, effaced, effacer, effaces, eluants, eluates, embalms, embanks, embargo, embarks, embassy, embayed, empaled, empaler, empales, empanel, empathy, encaged, encages, encamps, encased, encases, endarch, enfaced, enfaces, engaged, engager, engages, enhalos, enhance, enlaced, enlaces, enlarge, enraged, enrages, entails, entases, entasia, entasis, equable, equably, equaled, equally, equated, equates, equator, ergates, errable, errancy, errands, errants, erratas, erratic, erratum, escalop, escaped, escapee, escaper, escapes, escarps, espanol, esparto, essayed, essayer, estated, estates, ethanes, ethanol, eucaine, exhaled, exhales, exhaust, expands, expanse, eyeable, facades, fadable, falafel, fanatic, faraday, faradic, faraway, fatally, fedayee, felafel, females, fenagle, filaree, filaria, finable, finagle, finales, finalis, finally, finance, fixable, fixated, fixates, fixatif, fleabag, fleapit, floated, floatel, floater, flyable, flyaway, focally, folacin, folates, foraged, forager, forages, foramen, forayed, forayer, freaked, friable, friarly, fryable, fugally, fugatos, fumaric, furanes, fusains, fusaria, galabia, galagos, galanga, galatea, galaxes, garaged, garages, gavages, gazabos, gelable, geladas, gelants, gelated, gelates, gelatin, gelatis, gelatos, getable, getaway, gigabit, gigaton, giraffe, girasol, gisarme, gitanos, gleamed, gleamer, gleaned, gleaner, gliadin, gloated, gloater, gobangs, gonadal, gonadic, gouache, gowaned, greased, greaser, greases, greaten, greater, greatly, greaved, greaves, groaned, groaner, gyrally, gyrated, gyrates, gyrator, hadarim, hagadic, halacha, halakah, halakha, halakic, halalah, halalas, halavah, hamadas, hamates, hamauls, hanaper, hapaxes, hatable, havarti, hawalas, hazanim, hazards, hegaris, hemagog, hematal, hematic, hematin, heparin, hepatic, heralds, hetaera, hetaira, hewable, hexades, hexadic, hexagon, hexanes, hexapla, hexapod, hibachi, hidable, hidalgo, hijacks, himatia, hirable, hodaddy, holards, homaged, homager, homages, hosanna, humaner, humanly, humates, hydatid, hyraces, hyraxes, ideally, ideated, ideates, ignatia, iguanas, iguanid, imbalms, imbarks, impacts, impaint, impairs, impalas, impaled, impaler, impales, impanel, imparks, imparts, impasse, impaste, impasto, impavid, impawns, incaged, incages, incants, incased, incases, indabas, indamin, inearth, infancy, infanta, infante, infants, infarct, infares, infauna, ingates, inhabit, inhaled, inhaler, inhales, inhauls, inlaced, inlaces, inlands, inlayer, inmates, innages, innards, insaner, intagli, intakes, invaded, invader, invades, invalid, inwalls, inwards, iodated, iodates, islands, izzards, jacales, jacamar, jacanas, jalapic, jalapin, jemadar, jezails, jicamas, joyance, judases, jurally, jurants, kabakas, kabalas, kabayas, kakapos, kamalas, karakul, karates, kayaked, kayaker, keramic, keratin, kinaras, kinases, kleagle, kneaded, kneader, kokanee, kolacky, komatik, kraaled, labarum, ladanum, lanated, lasagna, lasagne, latakia, lavabos, lavages, layaway, lazaret, legally, legated, legatee, legates, legator, legatos, lehayim, levants, levator, ligands, ligases, ligated, ligates, likable, limacon, linable, linages, linalol, lipases, livable, lizards, lobated, locales, locally, located, locater, locates, locator, logania, losable, lovable, lovably, lovages, loyaler, loyally, loyalty, lucarne, lunated, lunatic, lupanar, luxated, luxates, lyrated, lysates, macaber, macabre, macacos, macadam, macaque, madames, magalog, mahatma, majagua, makable, malacca, malaise, malanga, malaria, malarky, malates, manacle, managed, manager, manages, manakin, mananas, manatee, marabou, maracas, maranta, marasca, marauds, masalas, matador, mazards, medakas, medaled, megabar, megabit, megapod, megaron, megasse, megaton, melamed, melange, melanic, melanin, menaced, menacer, menaces, menages, menazon, mesally, mesarch, metages, metaled, metamer, metatag, metates, metazoa, midairs, mikados, miladis, milages, minable, minaret, miracle, mirador, mirages, misacts, misadds, misaims, misally, misaver, mixable, modally, mohairs, mohalim, mohawks, mojarra, monacid, monadal, monades, monadic, monarch, monarda, monaxon, moraine, morales, morally, morassy, mosaics, movable, movably, mulatto, muraled, mutable, mutably, mutagen, mutants, mutases, mutated, mutates, myiases, myiasis, naganas, naiades, namable, napalms, nasally, navaids, navally, negated, negater, negates, negaton, negator, nematic, nidated, nidates, nodally, nomadic, nomarch, nonacid, nonages, nonagon, nonarts, nopales, notable, notably, notated, notates, noyades, nunatak, nutated, nutates, oblasti, oblasts, oblates, obtains, oceanic, octadic, octagon, octanes, octanol, octants, octaval, octaves, octavos, oghamic, ohmages, oleates, onwards, ooralis, opiated, opiates, oquassa, ordains, organdy, organic, organon, organum, organza, orgasms, osmatic, ottavas, ourangs, ouraris, outacts, outadds, outages, outasks, ownable, oxcarts, oxtails, oxyacid, padauks, pajamas, palabra, palaced, palaces, paladin, palapas, palatal, palates, palaver, palazzi, palazzo, panacea, panache, panadas, panamas, papadam, papadom, papadum, papains, papally, papayan, papayas, parable, paraded, parader, parades, parador, parados, paradox, paragon, paramos, parangs, parapet, paraphs, parasol, patacas, patagia, patamar, pavanes, payable, payably, pedagog, pedaled, pedaler, pedants, pelages, pelagic, penally, penalty, penance, penangs, penates, peracid, pesades, petaled, petards, petasos, petasus, phrasal, phrased, phrases, phratry, picacho, picador, picante, picaras, picaros, pikakes, pilaffs, pinangs, pinatas, pipages, piragua, piranas, piranha, pirated, pirates, piratic, pirayas, pitapat, pitayas, pizazzy, pleaded, pleader, pleased, pleaser, pleases, pleated, pleater, pliable, pliably, pliancy, podagra, pokable, polaron, pomaces, pomaded, pomades, pomatum, posable, posadas, potable, potages, potamic, preachy, preacts, preaged, preamps, preanal, prearms, preaver, priapic, priapus, pshawed, psoatic, ptyalin, pugaree, puparia, pupated, pupates, puranas, puranic, putamen, pyjamas, pyralid, pyramid, qabalah, qabalas, rabatos, ramadas, ratable, ratably, ratafee, ratafia, ratatat, ravaged, ravager, ravages, rebaits, rebated, rebater, rebates, rebatos, recalls, recaned, recanes, recants, recarry, recasts, redacts, redated, redates, reearns, refaced, refaces, refalls, regains, regaled, regaler, regales, regalia, regally, regards, regatta, regauge, rehangs, relabel, relaced, relaces, relands, relapse, related, relater, relates, relator, relaxed, relaxer, relaxes, relaxin, relayed, remails, remains, remakes, remands, remarks, remarry, rematch, remated, remates, renails, renamed, renames, repacks, repaint, repairs, repanel, repaper, reparks, repasts, repaved, repaves, reracks, reraise, resails, resales, resawed, retable, retacks, retails, retains, retaken, retaker, retakes, retally, retaped, retapes, retards, retaste, retaxed, retaxes, revalue, revamps, rewaked, rewaken, rewakes, rewards, rewarms, rewaxed, rewaxes, ribalds, ribands, ridable, ritards, rivages, rivaled, rivalry, robalos, robands, romaine, romajis, romance, romanos, romaunt, ropable, rosacea, rosaria, rotated, rotates, rotator, rowable, royally, royalty, rubaboo, rubaces, rubasse, rubatos, rulable, rumakis, runaway, rurally, sabaton, sabayon, sacaton, safaris, sagaman, sagamen, salaams, salable, salably, salamis, samadhi, samaras, sapajou, sarapes, satangs, satanic, sataras, savable, savaged, savager, savages, savanna, savants, savarin, savates, sayable, schappe, sciatic, sclaffs, scraggy, scraich, scraigh, scraped, scraper, scrapes, scrapie, scrappy, scratch, scrawls, scrawly, scrawny, sebacic, sebasic, secants, sedarim, sedated, sedater, sedates, seeable, sematic, senarii, senates, senator, sepaled, serails, serapes, seraphs, sesames, sewable, sewages, sheafed, sheared, shearer, sheathe, sheaths, sheaved, sheaves, shiatsu, shiatzu, shmaltz, shnapps, shoaled, shoaler, sifakas, siganid, silages, silanes, sizable, sizably, skeanes, skiable, skoaled, sleaved, sleaves, sleazes, smeared, smearer, sneaked, sneaker, sneaped, socager, socages, sofabed, solaced, solacer, solaces, solands, solanin, solanos, solanum, solaria, solated, solates, solatia, somatic, sonance, sonants, sonatas, souaris, sowable, speaker, speaned, speared, spearer, splakes, splashy, splayed, sprains, sprangs, sprawls, sprawly, sprayed, sprayer, squabby, squalid, squalls, squally, squalor, squamae, squared, squarer, squares, squarks, squashy, squatly, squatty, squawks, steaded, stealer, stealth, steamed, steamer, stearic, stearin, strafed, strafer, strafes, strains, straits, straked, strakes, strands, strange, strappy, stratal, stratas, straths, stratum, stratus, strawed, strayed, strayer, subacid, subadar, subalar, subarea, subarid, subatom, sudaria, sugared, sugarer, sumachs, swearer, sweated, sweater, synagog, synanon, synapse, tabanid, tabards, tabaret, takable, takahes, talaria, tamable, tamales, tamandu, tamarao, tamarau, tamarin, tamaris, tamasha, tanager, tapalos, taramas, tatamis, taxable, taxably, telamon, tenable, tenably, tenaces, tenails, tenancy, tenants, teraohm, tetanal, tetanic, tetanus, texases, theater, theatre, thiamin, thiazin, thiazol, thralls, thraves, thrawed, thwacks, thwarts, tidally, tilapia, timarau, tinamou, tirades, tisanes, titania, titanic, tobacco, togated, tokamak, tolanes, tonally, topazes, totable, totaled, totally, towable, towages, towards, towaway, treacle, treacly, treaded, treader, treadle, treason, treated, treater, triable, triacid, triadic, triages, triazin, troaked, truancy, truants, tubaist, tuladis, tunable, tunably, turacos, turacou, tweaked, typable, tyranny, tyrants, uakaris, ullaged, ullages, ulpanim, umiacks, umlauts, unbaked, unbaled, unbales, unbased, unbated, uncaged, uncages, uncaked, uncakes, uncanny, uncased, uncases, undated, uneager, unearth, uneases, uneaten, unfaded, unfaith, unfaked, unfancy, unfazed, ungated, unhairs, unhands, unhandy, unhangs, unhappy, unhasty, unjaded, unlaced, unlaces, unladed, unladen, unlades, unlatch, unmacho, unmaker, unmakes, unmanly, unmasks, unmated, unnails, unnamed, unpacks, unpaged, unpaved, unraked, unrated, unravel, unrazed, unsated, unsaved, unsawed, untacks, untaken, untamed, untaxed, unwaxed, upcasts, updarts, updated, updater, updates, upgazed, upgazes, uplands, upraise, uptakes, uptalks, upwafts, upwards, urbaner, ureases, useable, useably, usually, vacancy, vacated, vacates, vagally, valance, vanadic, vavasor, vawards, vedalia, velamen, velaria, venally, venatic, veranda, vicarly, vilayet, vinasse, viragos, virally, visaged, visages, visaing, visards, vitally, vitamer, vitamin, vivaces, vivaria, vizards, vocable, vocably, vocalic, vocally, volante, votable, voyaged, voyager, voyages, wadable, wakames, wakanda, wasabis, watapes, waxable, wheaten, wirable, wizards, womaned, womanly, wreaked, wreaker, wreathe, wreaths, wreathy, xerarch, yamalka, yatagan, zacaton, zamarra, zamarro, zananas, zapateo, zenaida, zenanas, zocalos, zonally, zonated, zouaves, zymases1718 words found.
he debauched sixteen school girls ;)
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern ---AUC-. That is, seven letter words with 4th letter A and 5th letter U and 6th letter C. In alphabetical order, they are: debauch scrauch
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern D--A-C-. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter D and 4th letter A and 6th letter C. In alphabetical order, they are: debauch durance
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern --BA-C-. That is, seven letter words with 3rd letter B and 4th letter A and 6th letter C. In alphabetical order, they are: ambatch debauch tobacco
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern D-B--C-. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter D and 3rd letter B and 6th letter C. In alphabetical order, they are: debauch debouch
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 5 words with the pattern --B-UC-. That is, seven letter words with 3rd letter B and 5th letter U and 6th letter C. In alphabetical order, they are: debauch debouch kebbuck subduce subduct
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 7 words with the pattern -E-A--H. That is, seven letter words with 2nd letter E and 4th letter A and 7th letter H. In alphabetical order, they are: debauch hexarch mesarch recatch rematch repatch xerarch
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -EBA--H. That is, seven letter words with 2nd letter E and 3rd letter B and 4th letter A and 7th letter H. In alphabetical order, they are: debauch
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 6 words with the pattern -EB--C-. That is, seven letter words with 2nd letter E and 3rd letter B and 6th letter C. In alphabetical order, they are: debauch debouch kebbock kebbuck nebbich rebrace
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 5 words with the pattern -E--U-H. That is, seven letter words with 2nd letter E and 5th letter U and 7th letter H. In alphabetical order, they are: bemouth debauch debouch retouch vermuth
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 6 words with the pattern -EB---H. That is, seven letter words with 2nd letter E and 3rd letter B and 7th letter H. In alphabetical order, they are: debauch debouch nebbich nebbish rebirth weblish