four (4) letter word:
arch. bach. each. etch. inch. itch. lech. lich. loch. mach. much. ouch. pech. rich. such. tach. wich. wych. yech. yuch.
five (5) letter word:
aitch. batch. beach. beech. belch. bench. birch. bitch. botch. brach. bunch. butch. catch. cinch. clach. coach. conch. cooch. couch. culch. curch. cutch. ditch. dunch. dutch. epoch. fetch. filch. finch. fitch. gulch. hatch. heuch. hitch. hooch. hotch. hunch. hutch. kench. ketch. laich. larch. latch. leach. leech. letch. loach. lunch. lurch. lynch. march. match. milch. mooch. mouch. mulch. munch. mutch. natch. notch. orach. parch. patch. peach. perch. pinch. pitch. poach. pooch. porch. pouch. psych. punch. ranch. ratch. reach. retch. roach. rotch. sauch. stich. synch. teach. tench. teuch. torch. touch. vetch. vouch. watch. welch. wench. which. winch. witch. yecch. yucch. zilch. zorch.
six (6) letter word:
anarch. attach. avouch. blanch. bleach. blench. blotch. borsch. branch. breach. breech. broach. brooch. brunch. caroch. chinch. church. clench. clinch. clutch. cranch. cratch. crotch. crouch. crunch. crutch. cultch. detach. dreich. drench. enrich. eparch. eunuch. exarch. fetich. fleech. flench. fletch. flinch. flitch. flysch. french. glitch. glunch. grinch. grouch. grutch. haunch. hootch. inarch. kirsch. kitsch. klatch. kvetch. launch. mensch. moloch. nautch. painch. paunch. planch. pleach. plench. preach. putsch. quaich. quench. quitch. raunch. samech. scorch. scotch. scutch. search. sheuch. sketch. slatch. slouch. smirch. smooch. smutch. snatch. snitch. speech. stanch. starch. stench. stitch. sumach. swatch. switch. thatch. trench. twitch. wrench. wretch.
seven (7) letter word:
abroach. beseech. bewitch. biotech. capouch. caroach. carroch. craunch. currach. debauch. debouch. diptych. distich. eldrich. endarch. impeach. isopach. isotach. klatsch. mesarch. monarch. nomarch. nonsuch. ostrich. pibroch. potlach. rematch. repatch. reteach. retouch. scraich. scratch. screech. scrooch. scrunch. spinach. splotch. squelch. squinch. staunch. stomach. stretch. unhitch. unlatch. unteach. upreach. xerarch. zlotych.
backstitch. besmirch. dispatch. encroach. insomuch. oligarch. research. topnotch.
ANSWERchurchANSWERWords that start and end with ch:chaffinch. chinch. church.
Rich, Snitch, Hitch...
The phrase 'big words' is rather broad. Here are some examples:approachattachbatchbeachbelchbeseechbirchbitchbleachblowtorchbotchbreachbreechbrunchbunchbutterscotchcatchchurchcinchclutchcoachcockroachcornstarchcouchcrotchcrouchcrunchcrutchdebauchdispatchditchdrenchdutchencroacheunuchfetchflinchfrenchglitchhatchhitchhomestretchhunchhutchkeypunchlatchleechlunchlurchmarchmatchmatriarchmonarchmoochmulchmunchnonesuchnotchoutreachpatchpatriarchpeachperchpinchpitchpoachporchpouchpreachpunchreachreproachresearchsandwichscorchscotchscratchscrunchsketchslouchsnatchsnitchspeechstretchswatchswitchteachtorchtouchtwitchvouchwatchwenchwhichwitchworkbenchwrenchwretchwristwatchzilch
Ranch, french, bench
ANSWERchurchANSWERWords that start and end with ch:chaffinch. chinch. church.
Rich, Snitch, Hitch...
Church, crunch, lunch, bunch, punch
ditch glitch
Some words with "ch" that sound like "sh" include "champagne," "chandelier," and "chaise."
Some French words that have "ch" in them include: Chocolat (chocolate) Chat (cat) Château (castle) Chanson (song)