That's the key you need to install or play. If you have lost yours, contact the software company for a replacement.
From 9am till 6pm, (Australian eastal dalight saving times) there will be almost no help whatsoever. The only help you will get are pre-recorded mesages.
You can find the product key in the Dawn of War folder on your computer. You can find it by searching for 'regedit' on your computer.
it's not on the manual, it's on the back, in the cover.
It is located inside the Disc casing wich u must buy :P
dawn of war 2 are in the shop.
My real problem is that i always get kicked out bcz some1 used my CD key Is that problem solveable?
One that you get from buying the game at a store.
No you can't sorry
Yes, the war soul storm require internet connection to download.
You can find the product key in the Dawn of War folder on your computer. You can find it by searching for 'regedit' on your computer.
im not sure where the soulstorm key code and does it only have one booklet? ty
it's not on the manual, it's on the back, in the cover.
It is located inside the Disc casing wich u must buy :P
dawn of war 2 are in the shop.
you need to download dawn of war and winter assault then when u play dark crusade enter the cd key.
At the Dawn of War was created in 2005-02.
Dawn of war retribution and it has already come out.
it is not compatible with vista but dawn of war 2 is