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Q: What is cleanse tag?
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Related questions

Dose the cleanse tag work on Pokemon pearl?

The cleanse tag helps to prevent from being attacked from wild pokemon. Is does work.

Where do you find a cleanse tag on Pokemon's Diamond?

You find it in Lost Tower (some ghost Pokemon if you catch them hold a cleanse tag as well).

Why does Cleanse Tag not work in Pokemon Fire Red?

give the cleanse tag to the most powerful Pokemon (the one at the highest level) and keep that Pokemon first in your party.. There it is ... Now you can repel the weaklings. NB: the Pokemon with cleanse tag must be REALLY STRONG.!!!

What does cleanse tag do?

It helps you avoid the ghosts in the Pokemon tower

Where do you find cleanse tag in Pokemon flora sky?

The cleanse tag on PokŽmon Flora Sky can be found in Platepics city. Travel to the right side of the city and get a mach bike and a shadow mail. Bike up the upper slope and talk to the kid at the top of the hill. Trade the shadow mail for the cleanse tag.

Can you get the exp share from the Pokemon Fan Club if he gave you a cleanse tag first?


Where to get duskull in Pokemon flora sky?

To get a Duskull In pokemon Flora Sky, you must first obtain a cleanse tag. Then, go to platepics city and go to the ghost house, 2nd floor. There is a tombstone in the center of the room. Press A when next to it with the cleanse tag in your bag, and a lv18 Duskull will appear. Good Luck...

How do you get strength in Pokemon?

Go to the top of the lost tower and use defog then talk to the old ladies you'll get him strength and a cleanse tag.

Where is strength in diamond?

T the top of the Lost tower below Solaceon town. One of the old woman will have it the other will have a cleanse tag.

What level does whynaut evolve in Pokemon ruby?

wynaut wont evolve unless it is holding a cleanse tag. and evolves at lvl 42

What do you need in the lost tower on Pokemon diamond?

In the lost tower there is an HM (im not sure wich one) and u also get a cleanse tag.

Where do you hm strength in Pokemon diamond?

You go to the old tower below solaceon town and go to the top and an old couple will give you the cleanse tag and strength