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wish tag does not really exist.

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Q: Pokemon Sapphire where to get wish tag?
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In Pokemon emerald how do you get a wish tag?

The wish tag is not real some guy used a cheat to make it up.

How do you get jarachi in Pokemon sapphire?

get a kings rock (mossdeep) and ever stone(granite cave) then wish tag and go to metor falls and smash a rock then WA la but try loads of times until.

In Pokemon sapphire and ruby how do you get the wish tag?

you get it in mossdeep city. you have to beat the elite four 4 times. you could get it on mirage island. however to get there you have to have a zigzagoon level 1 in your party holding a master ball

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No sorry its not i wish it was i would do it in a instent hes my fav.

How do you get a wish tag?

there is no wish tag

Pokemon Ruby wish tag?

there is a little girl close to the space station in mossdeep.

How do you get jarachi on Pokemon Sapphire?

Go to Wish Island or use a game shark and walk in grass

How do you get through shoal cave in sapphire?

sorry but you cant .........but i wish we could BY:GAVIN/ POKEMON FAN

Can you catch jirachi on Pokemon Ruby?

go on moosdeep city and go up, and when you see the girl near on the white rock talk to him and da girl give you the wish tag and put the wish tag on white tag then jirachi come down.

How do you capture jurachi in Pokemon Emerald?

put the game inplay the gamewaalahh jurachi

Whats the difference between a ruby and a sapphire?

Pokemon Ruby has Pokemon that Pokemon Sapphire does not and Pokemon Sapphire has Pokemon that Pokemon Ruby does not.

How do you have a wish tag?

There is no wish tag as far as I and the internet are concerned.