oh and the password is fake. Thank-you!!!! =-)
clubpenguin times
rockhoppers password is for clubpenguin owners only but i will tell you.i don't know what it is for June 2009 but i did for June 2006.it was ye set sail.
its club penguin rules
a username is the name of a particular account with which the owner of that account uses to play the game the password is what they use to 'log in' to their account in order to play club penguin eg. username: clubpenguin password: penguin this person will enter their username and password to play as long as they have previously registered
candaces password is: ************* i work at cp and i cant tell you! Sorry though.
user:candace pass:hip hop dance
Iman135 password on clubpenguin is called iman123
Can someone give me Zezehoney's password she from clubpenguin
his password is:black
dudlegu looser password
Rockhopper has now left clubpenguin =(
what is cadance password in clubpenguin
The answer is KEY.
The internet