rockhoppers password is for clubpenguin owners only but i will tell you.i don't know what it is for June 2009 but i did for June was ye set sail.
rockhoppers password is rockhopper
Rockhopper's ship is the Migrator.
Migrator12 (with cap at the start)
oh and the password is fake. Thank-you!!!! =-)
clubpenguin times
dudlegu looser password
themigrator migrator
Rockhopper has now left clubpenguin =(
Im just guessing My username is CoolDude2237 and i think rockhoppers password is:pirates
He is not on Club Penguin anymore!!!
You would have to be a major hacker to find. I have heard that the user makes it harder every month.
click on it
rockhoppers password is rockhopper
may not be correct but i think his username is Rockhopper and password is Yarr. hope i could help. sorry that is not the pass sorry
I think it is Rockhoppers-treasure-chest
lunch08 try that if not working try it on fun brain arcade love ya ;0 ooh ya v D ^
You cannot yet go to Rockhoppers Island on Club Penguin.