anyone of them they all havr weaknesses
treeko is better because mudkip is really good in the beginning of the game but bad at the elite four and torchic is bad in the begining but good in the elite four but treeko is neutral which means that he is good and bad in the beginning and good and bad in the elite four
Honestly, it depends on which game you have, and your playing style. For Ruby, Mudkip usually is the better choice, and in Sapphire, Treeko tends to shine. The main thing you have to consider, though, is the starter's weaknesses.
For example, if you choose Torchic, you would want to capture a Pokemon that can cover a Fire-types weaknesses (Especially for the 1st Gym!) Or, on the other hand, you could train them up to Level 16 and have them evolve into Combusken, who is no longer helpless against Rock types. (Though, while we're talking about weaknesses, make sure to capture a Dark- type before the 7th gym, or Tata and Liza will absolutely destroy your Blaziken~)
If you'd rather go with Mudkip, your main focus should be coming up with a cover for his Grass weakness- it'll do 4x as much damage! Thankfully, there aren't any Grass gyms in Hoenn, so you won't have to worry about that. (Though, your fights with your rival will be REALLY hard without a good Grass-type killer~) As for Treecko, it'll be harder to capture a water Pokemon near the begining of the game, but you'll mostly need a water type against flannery. so try and capture a Wingull or something as soon as you can. I've never really had a Treecko, so I wouldn't know.
I chose treecko for my first game, which lastly evolves into Sceptile. I then caught Roselia and the two were unstopable but, unfortunately could NOT beat the elite four, evn after a year of trying!
I now have Torchic, who, yes, is weaker at the beginning, but that didn't bother me- this is my third day plYING THIS NEW GAME AND ALREADY, WITH ONLY COMBUSKEN(TORCHIC'S SECOND EVOLVE) WE HAVE BEATEN ALL THE GYM LEADERS AND WITH EASE! We had NO trouble with Tate and Liza and Blaziken and Camerupt had NO trouble at all.
We are on level 49 and are ready to battle the elite four!! we have all the moves nesecary and I am going to go defeat them now!
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You can't catch wild Treeko in Pokemon Emerald. You need to choose it out of the three Starter Pokemon that are offered to you at the beginning of the game: Treeko, Torchic, and Mudkip. to see it, battle rival or other trainer
The starter Pokemon for Pokemon emerald are Mudkip, Treecko, and Torchic. In my opinion they are the worst set of starters,and I highly recommend for you not to get this game, but I can't force you so.....yeah.
In the new Pokemon HeartGold game, you can catch new Pokemon such as Beldum, Latios/Latias and you can choose between Treeko, Mudkip, or Torchic. (Can all be obtained through Pokemon League Champion Steven from the Hoenn Region.)
Mudkip. Treeko has weak stats. Torchic may seem good in the beginning, but it will let you down once it evolves into Blaziken at the Fortree and Mosdeep gym. Trust me, I know from experience
Kanto: squirtle,bulbasaur,charmander Johto: totodile,chickorita,cyndaquil Hoenn: mudkip,treeko,torchic Sinnoh: piplup,turtwig,chimchar Unova: Oshawott,snivy,tepig These are all the starters and these are the ones i started with in each game: Charmander, Totodile, Treeko, Chimchar, Tepig