Mudkip. Treeko has weak stats. Torchic may seem good in the beginning, but it will let you down once it evolves into Blaziken at the Fortree and Mosdeep gym. Trust me, I know from experience
No you do not need to catch Kyogre. You can get a Hoenn starter from a guy named Steven in Kanto.
you should choose torchic because fire and fighting is good at most hoenn gyms
Getting the Hoenn Pokemon is completely optional. Therefore, there is no chronological event that is placed after getting your choice of Hoenn starter. Just try doing some other extra events.
Torchic, Mudkip and Treecko.
You have to complete the Hoenn pokedex to get one from Prof. Birch. That includes catching all the Pokemon in there. This is impossible, but you can get a Johto starter if you finish your Hoenn pokedex and show it to professor Birch.
Get a kanto starter :p
Get any Hoenn starter you want. It doesn't matter.
you can get a hoenn starter Pokemon from Saffron City the Silph Co. place. You can only get 1 after u beat red and get the kanto starter Pokemon from proffeser Oak.
no u can't
You only need to get all hoenn Pokemon to get johto starter It's a pain! :(
my decision was torchick but it is hard for him to get around hoenn I would say mudkip
In Pokemon Emerald, when you complete the Hoenn Pokedex, Proffesor Birch gives you a Johto starter. In Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, after defeating Red, Professor Oak will give you a Kanto Starter and Steven will give you a Hoenn Starter.
No you do not need to catch Kyogre. You can get a Hoenn starter from a guy named Steven in Kanto.