It's a matter of opinion but I personally think Club Penguin is better! =)
yeah, it is, i think the BC from roblox is better, roblox is a better game where you can build your own stuff and you can play in places that other people made, i am pituli in roblox, and my place is "EPIC SKYDIVING"ADVENTURE"", CHECK IT OUT
Club Peguin. Millsberry SUCKS ! I believe club penguin does tooo . ;DD but its better than millsberry .
The beta test hat, it was released the day Penguin Chat was changed into Club Penguin by Disney....... But Club Penguin is way better!!!!!!!!!
red remover, club penguin,wizards101,ROBLOX LOTS!
get better at life.
no! club penguin is more populry
Deepens, for me I think so but Runescape is pretty good, And Club Penguin . . . No way! That website is for idiots. (no offense) here for example of club penguin i think its only for idiots or Disney lovers Arcanesnipeu "i beleve roblox wins hands down but runescape is pretty good but its boring without membership and there are only 2 words that describe club penguin. IT SUCKS!
There is Club Penguin and Roblox
club penguin is better! :)
yeah, it is, i think the BC from roblox is better, roblox is a better game where you can build your own stuff and you can play in places that other people made, i am pituli in roblox, and my place is "EPIC SKYDIVING"ADVENTURE"", CHECK IT OUT
CLUB PENGUIN IS BETTER!! Mine craft you have to pay to get on it but on club penguin you don't have to pay to get on!! CP IS BETTER!!
Club penguin is
Obviously club penguin
Club Penguin
club penguin
I think that club penguin is better than wow but why do you ask?
club penguin is better than moshi monsters