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It's a matter of opinion but I personally think Club Penguin is better! =)

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Q: What is better roblox or Club Penguin?
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Do more people play Roblox or Club Penguin?

no! club penguin is more populry

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Deepens, for me I think so but Runescape is pretty good, And Club Penguin . . . No way! That website is for idiots. (no offense) here for example of club penguin i think its only for idiots or Disney lovers Arcanesnipeu "i beleve roblox wins hands down but runescape is pretty good but its boring without membership and there are only 2 words that describe club penguin. IT SUCKS!

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There is Club Penguin and Roblox

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club penguin is better! :)

Is Club Penguin membership a waste of money?

yeah, it is, i think the BC from roblox is better, roblox is a better game where you can build your own stuff and you can play in places that other people made, i am pituli in roblox, and my place is "EPIC SKYDIVING"ADVENTURE"", CHECK IT OUT

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CLUB PENGUIN IS BETTER!! Mine craft you have to pay to get on it but on club penguin you don't have to pay to get on!! CP IS BETTER!!

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Club penguin is

What is a better siteroblox or Club Penguin?

Obviously club penguin

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Club Penguin

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club penguin

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I think that club penguin is better than wow but why do you ask?

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club penguin is better than moshi monsters