to make boots in minecraft, put a leather/iron/gold/fire/diamond ingot/item in the side slots of the bottom 2 rows on the crafting grid, like so: _ = empty, B= block/ingot/etc _ _ _ B _ B B _ B
they're the same
Stone and coal=Wood/Gold or better Iron=Stone or better Redstone, Lapis Lazuli, Gold, Diamond, Emerald=Iron or better Obsidian=Diamond only
In Minecraft,in order to get iron ore out of a mined block of iron you need to smelt the iron ore block in a furnace.
No but if your a member you can get iron boots.
you can craft a pickaxe,sword,helmet,chest plate,boots,trousers,flint and steel,etc. More on
You have to go to Dragonstone and then become a dragonslayer and go to the store it ain't an iron helmet but it's as affordable and waaaayyyy better
For Vanilla Minecraft, you will need a stone pickaxe (or better) to mine iron ore.
With an iron pickaxe or better.
To break iron in Minecraft, you need a stone pickaxe or better. Anything lower and it will break and drop nothing.
Gold armor provides better health regeneration and protection than iron armor does.
they're the same
to make boots in minecraft, put a leather/iron/gold/fire/diamond ingot/item in the side slots of the bottom 2 rows on the crafting grid, like so: _ = empty, B= block/ingot/etc _ _ _ B _ B B _ B
The max hit of a player is not just on their weapons & equipments. That depends on what your strength/attack level is.
To make armor, you need to find diamonds, iron, gold or leather. You get leather by killing cows, and diamonds, gold and iron by mining. There are 4 different types of armors in Minecraft: chestplate, boots, leggings and helmet. You can use any type of material mentioned above, but they have different durability and resistance. Anyway, they can be crafted like this (E = Empty, M = Any material): Chestplate: M E M M M M M M M Boots: E E E M E M M E M Leggings: M M M M E M M E M Helmet: M M M M E M E E E To put it on, go into your inventory and drag the armor to the slot next to the picture of your character. Make sure to put the armor in the logical spot (leggings on legs, chestplate on torso, helmet on head, boots on feet).
The iron helmet or the metal helmet, was important to the Romans because it kept the fighting men from getting their heads bashed in.
You have to mine it using an Iron pick or better.