you will need a good level pokemon but your types can be either water,fire or ground. and fight The best pokemon against steel type is fire type pokemon......train your fire type pokemon to high level before you fight with the gym ....
Water, rock, and ground type are all super effective against fire type pokemon.
The best legendary fire type is ho-oh. The best non-legendary fire type Pokemon is charizard.
Ground type moves, rock type moves and water type moves are super-effective against fire type pokemon.
Fire-type Pokemon are weak against Water, Rock, and Ground-type attacks.
you will need a good level pokemon but your types can be either water,fire or ground. and fight The best pokemon against steel type is fire type pokemon......train your fire type pokemon to high level before you fight with the gym ....
Fire types are the best against ice type pokemon, fighting types are another good chose.
Water, rock, and ground type are all super effective against fire type pokemon.
The best legendary fire type is ho-oh. The best non-legendary fire type Pokemon is charizard.
Ground type moves, rock type moves and water type moves are super-effective against fire type pokemon.
fire type Pokemon
Fire and fighting type moves are super effective against Ice type pokemon.
Fire-type Pokemon are weak against Water, Rock, and Ground-type attacks.
Fire-type Pokemon are weak against Ground, Rock, and Water-type attacks.
What works best on a grass type is fire, ice, flying, poison, or bug.
fire type