Ash's Pokémon in the Hoenn region are Pikachu, Taillow/Swellow, Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile, Corphish, Torkoal, his original Bulbasaur that he left back home and Snorunt/Glalie.
treecko(which evolve into grovyle then sceptile)
snorunt(which evovle into glalie)
The Hoenn Region is available in the pokemon versions Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald.
You can't get into the hoenn region in Pokemon diamond. It's a 1 region game and that region is SINNOH! BY THE WAY HAVE YOU HEARD OF POKEMON X AND Y
Hoenn Region
No. You CAN import Pokemon from there, though.
No so far the hoenn region is exclusive to Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald version.
The Hoenn Region is available in the pokemon versions Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald.
You can't. The only region you can ever be is Hoenn in Pokemon Ruby,Sapphire and Emerald.
It is in the Hoenn region =]
You can't get into the hoenn region in Pokemon diamond. It's a 1 region game and that region is SINNOH! BY THE WAY HAVE YOU HEARD OF POKEMON X AND Y
You cannot go to the Hoenn region in Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver. Just because you get a Hoenn starter from Steven Stone (Hoenn League Champion) doesn't mean you go to the Hoenn region.
No it is in the Hoenn Region
Flygon is from the Hoenn region.
Hoenn Region
hoenn =)
You are already there. Hoenn is the entire region in Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald.
the region that you play in pokemon sapphire would be hoenn.