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Hoenn Region

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Q: What region does the Pokemon Torchic come from?
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How do you get a torchic in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You have to trade it from Pokemon ruby or sapphire.You cannot get a Torchic in Pokemon Leaf Green. The game is played only in the Kanto region, and since Torchic is in the Hoenn region, you cannot get torchic in Leaf Green.

What is the name of a feisty starter Pokemon in the Hoenn region?


What are the three Hoenn region starter Pokemon?

Torchic, Mudkip and Treecko.

What type of Pokemon is Torchic?

Torchic is a Fire type pokemon.

How do you catch a torchic in Pokemon glazed?

You can't catch torchic in pokemon glazed yet.

Where can you find a Torchic egg in Pokemon Platinum?

no you can't find a torchic egg in Pokemon platinum

Where do you catch torchic in Pokemon indigo?

You can catch Torchic in the Lavaridge Town Gym in Pokemon Indigo.

How do you get a torchic in pokemon pearl?

Torchic is a fire type of Pokemon. The only way to get one of them in Pokemon Pearl version is to trade it.

What area can you get a torchic on Pokemon Platinum?

Sadly you cannot catch Torchic in Platinum because it is a starter pokemon of the Hoenn Region. But you should try asking a friend if they have one, one of my friends was nice enough to breed one for me :) ( He transferred his Blaziken from his Pokemon Sapphire Version to his Pokemon Platinum Version) Hope this helped :)

Where to get tochic on Pokemon Diamond?

You have to migrate it from Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, or any other Pokemon game that you happen to have a Torchic in. Torchic can't be caught in Pokemon Diamond or Pearl. Sorry. You have to migrate it from Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, or any other Pokemon game that you happen to have a Torchic in. Torchic can't be caught in Pokemon Diamond or Pearl. Sorry.

Who are the starters in Pokemon emerald?

The starter Pokemon are Treecko,Torchic and Mudkip.

What are the specific Pokemon that only come from Sapphire that you can migrate to Diamond?

Trecko,Torchic ,mudcip,Kioger,and rereqarser