Ash's dad went on a Pokemon journey and we have not heard about him since you should watch the second episode of Pokemon it tells u in there about how ashs dad went on a Pokemon journy of his own
the episode that ashs grovyle evolves is odd Pokemon out that's the name of the episode and the season is battle frontier
go to pokecenter and click on the arrow for the current Pokemon click empty slot and then clcick on other side and click Pokemon you want on the team click swap and save
Ash is known for dumping every Pokemon caught at Professor Oak's place before going to a new region, and starts his new journey with only Pikachu as a constant part of his team and catches new Pokemons. Most of them have been sent away to Professor Oak, never to be seen again, a victim of anime status quo.
it depends what team of Pokemon you have
you do not
Ash's dad went on a Pokemon journey and we have not heard about him since you should watch the second episode of Pokemon it tells u in there about how ashs dad went on a Pokemon journy of his own
Can I have your current team? Or a couple of great all around Pokemon are Dragonite or Glaceon
the episode that ashs grovyle evolves is odd Pokemon out that's the name of the episode and the season is battle frontier
The Memory Remains from the ReLoad album.
Yes,because in the flashback in pokemon dimond and pierl ash's father has hair like silver's hair,or it is voltiner
go to pokecenter and click on the arrow for the current Pokemon click empty slot and then clcick on other side and click Pokemon you want on the team click swap and save