campaign, vacation
Two strange options:GyttjaRomaji
Some words could be: unusual, bizarre, strange, curious
crooked, twisted, unusual, strange, bizarre, knobbly, gnarled, varying, erratic, damaged
campaign, vacation
The 8-letter word that fits the pattern "e-alese" is "estimate," which means to roughly calculate or approximate a quantity or value.
Strange is an adjective.
strange opposite
The word strange is an adjective.No, it is both.
Another word for strange event or equation
Yes, the Greek word for "strange" is "ξένος" (xenos).
This is a strange answer to this question.
No, the word 'strange' is not a noun. The word 'strange' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun.The abstract noun form of the adjective 'strange' is strangeness.A related noun form is stranger, a concrete noun as a word for a person.
No, the word strange has one syllable.
The air has a strange greenish hue this evening.
A negative connotation is a descriptive word that implies an undesirable characteristic. A negative connotation of the word strange is the word weird.