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An "argument" is a series of statements to persuade someone to accept a conclusion.

Perhaps the most well-known examples of arguments are the statements lawyers make -- on behalf of the plaintiff and the defendent -- to a judge and jury in a courtroom.

Occasionally people use the euphemism "argument" to refer to a much more emotional event -- a dispute, quarrel,

When two people fight with words.

(In computer programming, an "argument" means something very different -- see the "What is an 'argument'?" question for more details).

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14y ago
ArgumentsAn 'argument' is simply a string or real number that you input in a script or function to make it do what you want. Take a look at the code below: (Arguments are listed in bold)




x += lengthdir_x(10,sprite_index);

Although it can also be used in scripts or libraries:


Script: Initialize

self.hp = arugument0;

self.x = (irandom(room_width/32))*32;

self.y = (irandom(room_height/32))*32;

self.allied = false;

self.attack = arugument1;

You would enter the values in the action block(so you would not have to write new code each time), it works the same way.

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9y ago

An argumentation is an inference based on reasoning from given propositions.

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What makes an argument an argument?

An argument is inductive when it is based on probability, such as statistics. In an inductive argument, if the premises are true, the conclusion is probably true.

Can an Argument be Noid?

No, an argument cannot be void. An argument can be weak, flawed, or unconvincing, but it still retains its basic structure and content. A void argument would imply that there is no argument at all.

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Evidence to support the argument is needed for a sound argument.

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An argument from design is a theological term for a teleological argument - an argument for the existence of God, such that because nature is orderly, it is evidence of a designer.

What is the thesis of a research essay?

The claim is the argument you plan to prove.

What is it called to have an argument?

To have an argument called Debate

What is a dominant and controlling argument called?

A central argument is a dominant and controlling argument.

WHich of either argument or argument is the right spelling?

The correct spelling of the word is argument.Some example sentences with this word are:There is an argument next door.The political argument wore on for hours.His argument brought up some valid points.