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Q: What is all the gym leader names?
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What are the names of all the gym leaders in Platinum?

Gym leader 1. Roark (rock) Gym leader 2. Gardenia (grass) Gym leader 3. Fantina (ghost) Gym leader 4. Maylene (fight) Gym leader 5. (Crasher) Wake (water) Gym leader 6. Byron (steel) Gym leader 7. Candice (ice) Gym leader 8. Volkner (electric) I hope I helped you. =)

You have defeat all the gym leader except the 8th gym leader. how to unlock it?

you have to get the legendary in the game

What are the gym leaders names in kanto Pokemon soulsilver?

The names of the Gym Leaders in the Kanto region in Pokémon SoulSilver are Brock the Pewter City Gym Leader who specializes in Rock-types, Misty the Gym Leader of Cerulean City who specializes in Water-type, Lt. Surge an Electric-type specialist and the Vermilion City Gym Leader, Sabrina a Psychic-type specialist and the Saffron City Gym Leader, Erika a Grass-type specialist and the Celadon Gym Leader, Janine a Poison-type specialist and the Gym Leader of Fuchsia, Blaine the Fire-type Gym Leader of Cinnabar Island and Blue the Viridian City Gym Leader.

Where do you find viriadan citys gym leader?

in cinnabar island after you beat all 15 gym leader

What is the information of all the gyms in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

Gym 1-Rock Leader-Roark Gym 2-Grass Leader-Gardinia Gym 3-Fighting Leader-Maylene Gym 4-Water Leader-Crasher Wake Gym 5-Ghost Leader-Fantina Gym 6-Ice Leader- Candice Gym 7-Steel Leader-Bryon Gym 8-Electric Leader-Volkner I think that's right!!!

How do you beat a gym leader in Pokemon?

You first must make sure that the gym leader is in the gym, because in some games you have to locate the gym leaders first. After that, you may have to get through a puzzle in the pokemon gym to get to the gym leader at the end of the puzzle. After that, you will battle the gym leader, and if all of her Pokemon faint, then you will probably be given a gym badge.

Where is the eighth gym leader in Pokemon Blue?

To get the 8th Gym Leader to return to his Gym in Viridian City, you must defeat all 7 other Gym Leaders.

What city is gym leader flannery in?

Gym Leader Flannery is the leader of the Lavaridge Gym. The Gym is a Fire-type Gym.

What gym leader?

The gym leader.

How do you get to gym leader LeafGreen?

It depends on what gym you are talking about all of them you can get to by going to the towns.

How do you defeat the 16th gym leader?

after you get all 15 badges go to cinnabar island and there will be the 16th gym leader after you talk to him go to the virdian city gym and he will be there

How do you get the 8th gym leader back to his gym Kanto soulsilver?

defeat all the other gym leaders