

What is a yes no question called?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What is a yes no question called?
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What type of question is answerable by a yes or no?

A question that can be completely answered by a simple "yes" or "no" is called a closed-ended question. A question whose answer requires more elaboration such as a explanation is called an open-ended question.

What is a question called that can be answered with yes or no?

It is typically called a closed-ended question. Open-ended questions are ones that require discussion.

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Questions that start with has/is/are/have/do are called yes/no questions. They can be answered with a yes or a no. Compared to questions with a question word eg where how why, which cannot be answered with just a yes or no. The linguistic term for a yes/no question is a "polar question", this contrasts with the 5-W and How questions which are called "interrogative questions".

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a direct question it may be called different things as are most things, but here their called direct questions.Those questions are formally known as a polar questions.

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