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Q: What is a question that is not meant to be answered called?
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What is the word called when the question is a non-answering question Like you post a question and its not meant to be answered?

This is called a rhetorical question.

What is a question your not supposed to answer called?

A rhetorical question is a question that is not meant to be answered, as the answer is usually implied or obvious.

A question without an answer is?

A question that isn't supposed to be answered is called a rhetorical question.

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This question can't be answered without knowing who is meant by "he" and "them".

What is it called when you write a question and you answer it?

Answering question or answered question.

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You answered your own question. They are called antennae.

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You answered your own question.

What do you call a question that answers itself?

A self-answering question is known as a rhetorical question. These types of questions are not meant to be answered, as the answer is already implied by the question itself.

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The question cannot be answered without knowing what they are meant to be different from!

What happens if you feature an answered question?

Nothing, other than a message from a Supervisor explaining that only unanswered questions are meant to be featured (and the fact that the question will be unfeatured, of course). If an answered question is featured, it is as simple as pressing the "Unfeature" button.

What is anatomy of the superficial called?

Cannot be answered as incomplete question

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The question cannot be answered because it is ambiguous. Is the decimal fraction meant to be 0.878787... or 0.877777...?