The word that means unavoidable consequences is inevitable. It refers to a situation where we cannot escape what happens next due to the present decision.
unavoidable inevitable
I've is a word that means I have. I'll is a word that means I will.
Desperate is the word that means willing to do anything.
The word "fastidious" means attentive to detail, or to cleanliness. The word "punctilious" means showing attention to detail, or to behavior.
The word is crucial. It means of great importance.
The suffix of the word unavoidable is able. This is because the suffix of a word is the ending of that word.
The base word of consequence is "sequens," which means "following" in Latin.
The word "unavoidable" is a very self explanatory word that contains the definition within itself. The word "unavoidable" means to be inevitable, as in one cannot avoid it.
Traffic congestion is unavoidable during rush hour in the city.
If you have any income at all, filing a tax return is unavoidable.
Imperative means absolutely necessary, required, or unavoidable.
unavoidable inevitable
How can you not?It is unavoidable.Done.
It means "absolutely necessary or unavoidable."
No. But too often, people for some reason are using the word consequence as a result of a bad action. consequence comes from latin sequince which means to follow.
Yes, "consequence" is a noun. It refers to the result or effect of an action or situation.