smile laugh giggle
It depends on your ID number. Go here to get the word that will make her laugh. See related link below.
'Crave' could be one such word.
Hoarding Greedy Selfish
A joker is either someone who enjoys making people laugh, someone who makes people laugh as a job, or someone out of batman.
that is called being a jerk
kiss me
In fact, he's wanting to laugh, and is using you to make him laugh too.
To laugh at someone in German is: Jemanden auslachen Über jemanden lachen
make someone laugh so hard they crack casey A this Q make someone laugh so hard they crack casey A this Q
Someone who is not wanting to obey the rules, and is starting to act defiently.
you can get a sweet laugh when someone tease you sweet laugh
Ridicule: to laugh or make fun of something
to laugh = reír
laugh = 'aka