Well that depends on your view of a "Toilet Head". What ever you or I see it as may be different to its own opinion. see from different points of views come different answers. I discovered this fact back in 1984. See i was in France at the time and i had just retired from my job as a professional bread eater. This was considered a great talent at the time. I then saw a woman who was wearing a red and white striped jumper. This caused me to think on my previous actions and whether i had any regrets. Just then a UFO came down and ubducted her. I knew i had to save the girl so i put on my old antidisestablishmentarianism man costume and got to the job. I did it behind an ally way so no one would see who my true identity was and flew in to the ship. I then saw Goku and realised that he was working with Bowser in a plan to destroy the universe so i teleported the girl to earth and self destructed my self to destroy them. I then came back as a ghost and wrote this answer.
You have to hit him in the back of the head with the toilet paper
No, there is a book called the toilet of doom by Micheal Lawrence and he has mentioned a game called the toilet of life to make Angie and Jiggy swap lives.
If you have the toilet paper, put it in the toilet and click on the flusher. The janitor will come in and say "DO I HEAR A TOILET CLOG?" and then you go back to the closet and grab the money.
in the second world ther will be a pub go in there and go to the toilet and give him the toilet tissue and you will get the slegde hammer
They are both names for a toilet.
The toilet on a boat is referred to as the "head".
School prank- Putting someones head in a toilet, then flushing.
"The head".
a toilet swirly is when mainly a bully shoves some ones head in the toilet while its flushing
she eats lots of omelates and then sticks her head in the toilet and drinks it it is really nice! stick your head in the toilet!!!! then swish it around really its cool!!
The head is naval slang for the toilet. "Head" can also be a sexual reference (to oral sex).
flush your head in the toilet
It gets wet.