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Q: What is a three letter word or abbreviation for clairvoyant?
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What is a three letter word for clairvoyant?


What is a three letter word for PC screen?

The abbreviation is CRT.

What is a three letter word for dad?

dad IS a 3 letter word for dad...... Pop is another which is an abbreviation for papa .

Can you put the word clairvoyant in a sentence?

such as: He is a clairvoyant man.

What is a three letter word for football sideline?

Could it be an abbreviation? If so, OOB (out of bounds)

What three-letter word is a Greek letter and an abbreviation for Chicago?

Chi is a three-letter word that identifies both a Greek letter and an abbreviation for Chicago. It is the twenty-third letter in the Greek alphabet. It also represents the IATA (International Air Transport Association) code for all airports in Chicago, Illinois.

What is a three letter word for calendar units?

day If it's an abbreviation, try mos. or wks.

What is a Three letter word for one point kick?

Could be PAA (abbreviation for point after attempt)

What is a three letter word for summer mo?

They're asking for an abbreviation: Jun., Jul., Aug.

What is a three letter word that means a small mass fitting exactly right an abbreviation in football?


What is the definition of the word Clairvoyant?

A Clairvoyant means someone who can see event happening in the future. Clair is the french word for clear and voyance is the french word for meaning. People who call them clairvoyant believe they have a supernatural ability.

What is a three letter word abbreviation starting with the letter L for the trapezoid muscle?

The answer is probably "lat," which is short for Latissimus dorsi, which is not the trapezius, but at least is in the neighborhood.