A Sim bin is where you may put your Sims after you have just recently created them, and have not yet transferred them into a cave or in non nerd language - a house. You do not need to physically put them in yourself they will go there straight away once you do not have them clicked ( or do not have them on your cursor. )To find the Sim bin in Sims 2 it is in just the main opening screen - when your looking at you neighbourhood where all the families are.
Thank you so very much for letting me answer your question.
click on the options button and click on edit town and click on your house and drag it to the bin or its already on the bin
The only ways to move a Sim or Sim household to another town is to:( NOTE: None of these ways will keep a Sim(s) memories/relationships/etc. )add them to your Sim bin, then go to your new town, open Create a Sim, select them from the premade Sim area, exit Create a Sim, and move them into an empty lotadd them to your Household bin, click over to your desired town, select Move in Household, choose your family, and move them into an empty lot
if they are already in a family and in the bin then you can't edit them. *but if you havent saved them as a family yet, you click on their icon and click the pencil and it takes you back to their create a sim page :)
they can have a party, then they move back to the sim bin in your original town :]
Sure, you can create your own Sim to play in your game. You could also choose to play a Sim that came pre-installed with your game by selecting their house in the neighborhood view or moving a Sim or Sim family from the Family Bin into a house in the same neighborhood view.
Well if it's clothing it's in clothing, if it's furniture it's in buy mode, if it's a sim it's in the sim bin (I couldn't find the sim bin at the beggining). But are you sure you installed it onto your game??
If you have a sim, go on create a sim, then look in the SIM BIN. If you have uploaded a family, they should be in your SIM LIBRARY.
click on the options button and click on edit town and click on your house and drag it to the bin or its already on the bin
The only ways to move a Sim or Sim household to another town is to:( NOTE: None of these ways will keep a Sim(s) memories/relationships/etc. )add them to your Sim bin, then go to your new town, open Create a Sim, select them from the premade Sim area, exit Create a Sim, and move them into an empty lotadd them to your Household bin, click over to your desired town, select Move in Household, choose your family, and move them into an empty lot
If it is a sim that you created, there is a Family Bin when you edit town that your sim (and the whole family they were part of) will be preserved in it's original state. It can be placed into the town and merged into the family you had it in, but it will be like a brand new sim. If it was not a created sim, but a game-generated sim, there is no way to recover it.
Yes get their home in the lots and houses bin then put it in the other town
if they are already in a family and in the bin then you can't edit them. *but if you havent saved them as a family yet, you click on their icon and click the pencil and it takes you back to their create a sim page :)
You can make them or choose an already made sim in the neighborhood or in the sims bin.
they can have a party, then they move back to the sim bin in your original town :]
Well actually I honestly, don't know what your talking about! But I think this is what you mean, once you get done creating a Sim, then you see where it shows your Sim in the bottom left hand corner, click on the 3 white dots beside it, click on it and you can click on 3 things eiether Upload, Save Sim to Bin or Make a Twin, so you click Save Sim to Bin and when you start over click on Pre-Made Sims and fill out on the left side about the Sim you saved! Hope this Helps! Love, Brianna
Sure, you can create your own Sim to play in your game. You could also choose to play a Sim that came pre-installed with your game by selecting their house in the neighborhood view or moving a Sim or Sim family from the Family Bin into a house in the same neighborhood view.
Once you chose a town to start in, there is a circular thingy at the side, and when you click on the little circle with 2 people on it, you family bin will pop up.