boughs, coughs, roughs
They all have 3 letters, but "red" and "tan" have exactly 3 letters.
There is no word that can consist of 7 consonants and only have 3 letters. Consonants are letters.
The Godfather???
The initials SLO refer to the Olympic country code for the country of Slovenia. The first three letters are used to identify a country with a unique 3 letter code. In some cases the code may not be the first three letters but a subset of letters in the country's name.
The letters represent the initials of the months: January, February, March, etc. That being so, the next 3 letters would be SON (Sept, Oct, Nov).
26 x 25 x 24 = 15,600
Geo Gious Papanicolaou was the doctor who invented the PAP, and it was named after the first 3 letters of his last name. They are not initials. PS: You really wouldn't want to all the time refer to a Papanicolaou test, hence the 3-letter version.
How can the word be 3 letters long if "sand" alone is 4? .
Bruce Springsteen Micheal Jackson Asha duckworth Lacey Hines Melinda Rosario
There are no countries that have only 3 letters.
A Swiss peak that is 3 letters long and begins with the letter A is the Matterhorn.
It's a tin...
fly? bug?