There is no word that can consist of 7 consonants and only have 3 letters. Consonants are letters.
Rocking is a word with 7 letters 5 consonants and 2 vowels
There are 4 vowels and 7 consonants in this word. So, 4/11 of the letters are vowels.
twelfths schnapps schmaltz strength
A two word movie title with 7 letters in the first word and 3 in the second and second letter of the first word is A is "Balloon Man". The movie was released in the year of 2001.
Rocking is a word with 7 letters 5 consonants and 2 vowels
there are 7 CoNSTiTuTioN(the letters in caps are consinents)
There are 4 vowels and 7 consonants in this word. So, 4/11 of the letters are vowels.
In the phrase "bouquet of flowers," there are 12 letters. Out of these 12 letters, 7 are consonants (excluding the spaces). So the fraction of consonants in the phrase is 7/12.
There are 9 letters in "Ladybirds" 7 consonants and 2 vowels although Y is sometimes treated as another vowel.
12 Letters. 7 consonants and 5 vowels.
There are 1 Cs, 1 S, 2 Ns, and 3 Ts for a total of 7 consonants in the word, 'Constitution'.
Well, honey, the word you're looking for is "succeed." It's got 7 letters, 5 consonants (S, C, C, D, D), and 2 vowels (U, E). Now go ahead and impress your friends with that little nugget of knowledge.