A seed for mushroom island is 614119090021688218 with world type set to default. You will spawn on normal ground next to the ocean. You should see a mushroom island a little bit into the ocean.
There is no specific seed for a Mushroom Biome. They are just really rare. But if you want to spawn near one, type in the seed 1718954199353406952 and spawn on an island. Just keep swimming in a certain direction (I forgot the direction :() to make it to the MushroomIsland Biome.TIP: THE MUSHROOM BIOME IS ACTUALLY CALLED "MushroomIsland".
Mooshrooms are only found in mushroom biomes which are extremely rare. One good mushroom biome seed for 1.2.5 is i don't care i believe or its i dont care. It's one of those. I forgot.
By exploring or you could find a seed that spawns you in a swamp biome.
You will need 1 brown mushroom and 1 red mushroom. Put the bowl at the bottom of your crafting UI. Put the mushrooms at the top of the bowl. You will get Mushroom stew. ALTERNATIVE METHOD: Craft a bowl and find a Mushroom Biome. Right click a Mooshroom with your bowl and you will get Mushroom Stew.
It doesn't 'spread' to anything, but will grow naturally on dirt which is placed in a Large Mushroom biome, like grass grows on it in other biomes.
There's no specific seed for a mushroom biome in minecraft, the world is bound to have one somewhere, it's just the matter of finding it.
There is no specific seed for a Mushroom Biome. They are just really rare. But if you want to spawn near one, type in the seed 1718954199353406952 and spawn on an island. Just keep swimming in a certain direction (I forgot the direction :() to make it to the MushroomIsland Biome.TIP: THE MUSHROOM BIOME IS ACTUALLY CALLED "MushroomIsland".
there are a few but try idontcare it spawns you in a jungle just a the edge and near by is a mushroom biome
there is no jungle biome in minecraft PE
Mooshrooms are only found in mushroom biomes which are extremely rare. One good mushroom biome seed for 1.2.5 is i don't care i believe or its i dont care. It's one of those. I forgot.
Yes, but only if you custom make the map to be a mushroom biome. If you do this, the entire map will be a mushroom biome, not just one part. If you don't know about customizing superflat worlds, see the related link below.
you just go around the map finding the mushroom biomes, if the ground is grey with huge mushrooms and mooshrooms, you are in the biome
It grows in Big Mushroom biomes, along with giant mushrooms and Mooshrooms. Just like how grass grows on dirt in a regular biome, mycelium forms over dirt in the mushroom biome.
By exploring or you could find a seed that spawns you in a swamp biome.
The jungle wasn't implemented in MC:PE V.0.8.1.
A popular Minecraft seed for a prairie biome is "prairieplains". This seed features vast open plains with scattered trees and wildflowers, creating a peaceful and scenic landscape to explore and build in.
Mycelium is the equivalent of grass in a Mushroom Island biome. Mushrooms can be planted in it, they can grow even if the light level is too high.