Some good minecraft minigames are Survival Games, Spleef, CTF (Capture the Flag), Paintball, and Parkour.
Pokemon on Minecraft is a mod, not a seed. Search the Minecraft Forum.
I have found a jungle seed for minecraft 1.2.4 the seed is innotchesname no caps and no spaces
It isnt a seed, you have to download it.
If cheats are enabled in your world, do /seed to find your seed.
Some good minecraft minigames are Survival Games, Spleef, CTF (Capture the Flag), Paintball, and Parkour.
Pokemon on Minecraft is a mod, not a seed. Search the Minecraft Forum.
Creative, survival, adventure, and hardcore. On the wiki, it also says that they are adding a gamemode known as CTF (Capture the Flag)
There is no moon on minecraft.
I have found a jungle seed for minecraft 1.2.4 the seed is innotchesname no caps and no spaces
The Minecraft PE seed with a big ocean is -839019905251343089 .
just look at the minecraft seed list by googleing it by typin "What are the dungeon seeds for minecraft?" hope this helped
It isnt a seed, you have to download it.
If cheats are enabled in your world, do /seed to find your seed.
Every Minecraft seed is capable of producing dungeons. Seed 19981012 is a known seed that spawns you directly next a dungeon on the surface. Some seeds have more dungeons then others, you will just have to hope that you randomly get a seed that has a lot of dungeons.
Loki's Minions Capture the Flag was created on 1998-11-12.
An underwater world seed for Minecraft is used to open an underwater world to play the game in.