A nine letter word for continuing forward despite opposition or discouragement is Persevere.
Persevere means to continue forward despite opposition or discouragement.
frontal? Forward?
That is the correct spelling of the word "swinging" (pendulum-like motion).
The word that means forward when used for a fetal pig is "anterior." It is the opposite of posterior, which is the back or tail area.
A PALINDROME. The Swedish pop group of the 1970's is one such name ; 'ABBA'.
Arthur Riddle and the Swinging Senators From Pluto
It's another word for swinging at the ball with your bat.
At the park, I started swinging on a branch.
In a scientific experiment that be the the constant
No, the word 'scientific' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun; for example, a scientific experiment, a scientific expedition.
The word forward in Indonesian is Maju.
The scientific word for people is homosapiens