A word for 'swinging back and forward' might be pivoting or oscillating.
A nine letter word for continuing forward despite opposition or discouragement is Persevere.
Persevere means to continue forward despite opposition or discouragement.
Gas is a science word. Gravity is a science word.
frontal? Forward?
That is the correct spelling of the word "swinging" (pendulum-like motion).
The word that means forward when used for a fetal pig is "anterior." It is the opposite of posterior, which is the back or tail area.
A PALINDROME. The Swedish pop group of the 1970's is one such name ; 'ABBA'.
Arthur Riddle and the Swinging Senators From Pluto
It's another word for swinging at the ball with your bat.
At the park, I started swinging on a branch.
In a scientific experiment that be the the constant
No, the word 'scientific' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun; for example, a scientific experiment, a scientific expedition.
The word forward in Indonesian is Maju.
The scientific word for people is homosapiens