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You have to make a separate code list for this to work.This is for the US version 1.1

Master code:




Walk through walls





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Q: What is a real walk through walls 12 digit code for firered?
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What is the m code for walk through walls on FireRed action replay?

509197d3 542975f4 78da95df 44018cb4

What is a real walk through walls cheat for firered?

To walk through walls, you must obtain a very long code, and imput that into a GameShark (or other hacking device). You cannot walk through walls without a hacking device.

What is the 12 digit GameShark code for walking through walls on emerald please include master code?

For a 12 digit gameshark code, put this in Master Code [M] Must Be On 918827126FFA 536A84ECA55A 97BD3E55C51D and the walk through walls code is 568088CDA22E 5EF02C55A00F BC97CD!7845E C33E407B6EE4 Samzapp says: It's fake, I tested it

How can you walk through walls on Pokemon firered on GBA?

U can if you find the gameshark code but i havent found one yet

What is the walk through walls code in Pokemon rijon adventures?

Erm, even though this has been a while, or not. Just use FireRed codes for it since it is a FireRed rom that's jsut been hacked. Trust me, I used firered codes on it and it worked.

What is the walk through walls code for Pokemon Red?

The walk through walls Gameshark code for Pokemon Red is 010138CD

What is the walk through walls code for yellow?

The Walk through walls code for GameShark is "010138CD". If you don't have a Gameshark but still wants to walk through walls, check the related link.

On Pokemon FireRed how do you get deoxies?

ok, to get deoxys u have to have a Nintendo event or have a gs(gameshark) i got him by gameshark im wondering do u have the walk through walls cheat code do u connect the master code to the main one????????? =)

What is the walk through walls code for Pokemon Yellow?

The Walk through walls code for Gameshark is "010138CD". If you don't have a Gameshark but still wants to walk through walls, check the related link.

What is the action replay code to walk though walls?

there is already codes for diamond and pearl to walk through walls if you don't have them then update your action replay. There is no code to walk through walls for platinum.

Walk through walls cheat code for Pokemon HeartGold?

do what is the walkthrough walls action replay code for Pokemon heartgold.